
Alpla Hard vs Bregenz

H2H statistics for Alpla Hard vs Bregenz: one-on-one comparison including the previous matches of the two handball teams, team results from previous meetings for both home and away games, comparison of team stats and results in their individual leagues, or top scorers and disciplinary actions for players in each team. View below the full statistics and data for the Alpla Hard vs Bregenz Head-to-Head comparison.

Alpla Hard vs Bregenz H2H Results

⚽ Matches
Tables Alpla Hard Bregenz
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 9 4 5 9 5 4
Won 8 3 5 1 0 1
Lost 1 1 0 8 5 3
Average Goals For 29 27 30.6 27.22 26.8 27.75
Average Goals Against 27.22 27.75 26.8 29 30.6 27

Form Statistics

Alpla Hard Bregenz
07/02 Hla Aon Fivers H
30 - 30
01/02 Ohb Cup St. Polten A
24 - 43
21/12 Hla Linz A
27 - 38
13/12 Hla Handball Tirol H
34 - 33
10/12 Ohb Cup Bregenz A
23 - 37
06/12 Hla Voslauer A
30 - 35
23/11 Hla Bregenz A
27 - 28
15/11 Hla Ferlach H
31 - 35
07/02 Hla Aon Fivers
30 - 30
13/12 Hla Handball Tirol
34 - 33
15/11 Hla Ferlach
31 - 35
25/10 Hla Fuchse
36 - 28
04/10 Hla Hsg Graz
38 - 27
27/09 Hla Krems
27 - 23
13/09 Hla Linz
29 - 23
30/08 Hla Voslauer
28 - 28
01/02 Ohb Cup St. Polten
24 - 43
21/12 Hla Linz
27 - 38
10/12 Ohb Cup Bregenz
23 - 37
06/12 Hla Voslauer
30 - 35
23/11 Hla Bregenz
27 - 28
03/11 Hla West Wien
34 - 38
12/10 Hla Barnbach/K.
26 - 30
25/09 Hla Aon Fivers
29 - 29
09/02 Hla West Wien A
29 - 35
21/12 Hla Fuchse H
23 - 31
14/12 Hla Barnbach/K. A
27 - 27
10/12 Ohb Cup Alpla Hard H
23 - 37
06/12 Hla Hsg Graz H
33 - 29
23/11 Hla Alpla Hard H
27 - 28
16/11 Hla Aon Fivers A
32 - 32
02/11 Hla Linz H
33 - 32
21/12 Hla Fuchse
23 - 31
10/12 Ohb Cup Alpla Hard
23 - 37
06/12 Hla Hsg Graz
33 - 29
23/11 Hla Alpla Hard
27 - 28
02/11 Hla Linz
33 - 32
12/10 Hla Voslauer
29 - 23
21/09 Hla West Wien
37 - 31
07/09 Hla Barnbach/K.
27 - 25
09/02 Hla West Wien
29 - 35
14/12 Hla Barnbach/K.
27 - 27
16/11 Hla Aon Fivers
32 - 32
25/10 Hla Handball Tirol
35 - 28
05/10 Hla Krems
36 - 24
28/09 Hla Ferlach
29 - 29
14/09 Hla Fuchse
36 - 30
31/08 Hla Hsg Graz
31 - 35
Tables Alpla Hard Bregenz
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 8 3 5 8 5 3
Won 7 2 5 5 2 3
Lost 1 1 0 3 3 0
Average Goals For 34.5 31.67 36.2 29.12 27.8 31.33
Average Goals Against 28.62 32.67 26.2 30.62 31.4 29.33
Form Statistics are displayed and calculated based on the last 8 games played by each team.

Team Statistics

Alpla Hard Bregenz
HLA, Austria Total Home Away
Rank 2
Matches Played 15 8 7
Won 10 5 5
Draw 0 0 0
Lost 5 3 2
Goals For 477 253 224
Goals Against 429 227 202
Points 20 10 10
HLA, Austria Total Home Away
Rank 1
Matches Played 15 7 8
Won 7 5 2
Draw 0 0 0
Lost 8 2 6
Goals For 449 209 240
Goals Against 454 199 255
Points 14 10 4