The New and Improved Handball Widgets: use handball widgets to add handball data feeds to your website. Our widget codes allow you to integrate and show the latest handball results, league rankings or team statistics, match probabilities and other relevant information.
You can use the new handball data feeds to include various handball statistics and results within your website. The data will be automatically updated as it changes without any additional work on your part. This creates more value for your users as well as helping with SEO as search engines will see the data we provide as part of your website. Once the widget code is included on your website, we take care of all the rest. Below is a tool to generate handball widget codes.
Requirements To use these handball widgets your hosting account must have the ability to run PHP code. Make sure you set the settings to ON for "allow_url_fopen" and "allow_url_include". These settings are supported by most hosting accounts. Here are some additional tips, depending on which platform you use, to facilitate the widget implementation.
- .php web-pages will run the widget code natively, so no additional modifications are required
- .htm/.html web-pages You will need to modify the .htaccess file located in the root of your website, and set the rule for PHP code should run on such web-page types
- WordPress - you can use a plugin such as Insert PHP in order to add the widget codes to your sidebars or blog pages. Our competition results and rankings data are already available via the Handball Widgets plugin.
- Joomla You can use a plugin such as Sourcerer to add the widget codes to your website pages and sidebars
Recommendation - Do not use more than one widget on a single page. This can slow down your site and negatively impact the user experience. We recommend that you create more pages to implement multiple widgets and separate these on individual pages where possible.
You can customize our widgets to display data in a way that matches your website colors. Check widget customization tips for details.
T&C: These widget codes are free to use and will remain so. Modifying the widget codes in any manner that alters its data is prohibited and could lead to damage claims.
We would love to have a link from your site to if you enjoy our handball widgets.