

Silkeborg-Voel W vs Viborg W

H2H statistics for Silkeborg-Voel W vs Viborg W: one-on-one comparison including the previous matches of the two handball teams, team results from previous meetings for both home and away games, comparison of team stats and results in their individual leagues, or top scorers and disciplinary actions for players in each team. View below the full statistics and data for the Silkeborg-Voel W vs Viborg W Head-to-Head comparison.

Silkeborg-Voel W vs Viborg W H2H Results

⚽ Matches
Tables Silkeborg-Voel W Viborg W
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 5 3 2 5 2 3
Won 2 2 0 3 2 1
Lost 3 1 2 2 0 2
Average Goals For 27.6 28 27 30.2 34 27.67
Average Goals Against 30.2 27.67 34 27.6 27 28

Form Statistics

Silkeborg-Voel W Viborg W
31/10 Santander Cup W.. Viborg W H
36 - 34
29/08 Santander Cup W.. Bjerringbro W A
17 - 30
01/08 Club Friendly W.. Oppsal W A
26 - 29
27/08 Santander Cup W.. Horsens W A
33 - 29
02/04 Santander Cup W.. Nfh Nyk W H
28 - 27
01/04 Santander Cup W.. Odense W A
38 - 21
16/03 Bambusa Kvindel.. Ringkobing W H
27 - 30
11/03 Bambusa Kvindel.. Skanderborg W A
30 - 22
31/10 Santander Cup W.. Viborg W
36 - 34
02/04 Santander Cup W.. Nfh Nyk W
28 - 27
16/03 Bambusa Kvindel.. Ringkobing W
27 - 30
07/03 Bambusa Kvindel.. Copenhagen W
27 - 30
21/02 Bambusa Kvindel.. Esbjerg W
24 - 26
08/02 Bambusa Kvindel.. Odense W
23 - 40
28/01 Bambusa Kvindel.. Nfh Nyk W
29 - 31
18/01 Bambusa Kvindel.. Herning-Ikast W
29 - 28
29/08 Santander Cup W.. Bjerringbro W
17 - 30
01/08 Club Friendly W.. Oppsal W
26 - 29
27/08 Santander Cup W.. Horsens W
33 - 29
01/04 Santander Cup W.. Odense W
38 - 21
11/03 Bambusa Kvindel.. Skanderborg W
30 - 22
25/02 Bambusa Kvindel.. Viborg W
35 - 27
18/02 Bambusa Kvindel.. Ajax Kobenhav..
18 - 30
03/02 Bambusa Kvindel.. Horsens W
27 - 32
31/10 Santander Cup W.. Silkeborg-Voe.. A
36 - 34
28/08 Santander Cup W.. Skanderborg W A
27 - 29
30/12 Santander Cup W.. Odense W A
32 - 35
29/12 Santander Cup W.. Nfh Nyk W A
27 - 24
01/11 Santander Cup W.. Horsens W A
22 - 36
23/08 Santander Cup W.. Eh Aalborg W A
22 - 33
22/03 Bambusa Kvindel.. Horsens W H
31 - 19
15/03 Bambusa Kvindel.. Nfh Nyk W A
27 - 24
22/03 Bambusa Kvindel.. Horsens W
31 - 19
11/03 Bambusa Kvindel.. Aarhus United W
25 - 25
25/02 Bambusa Kvindel.. Silkeborg-Voe..
35 - 27
15/02 Bambusa Kvindel.. Ringkobing W
31 - 23
01/02 Bambusa Kvindel.. Copenhagen W
29 - 21
28/01 Bambusa Kvindel.. Sonderjyske W
41 - 29
18/01 Bambusa Kvindel.. Ajax Kobenhav..
28 - 21
15/12 Bambusa Kvindel.. Nfh Nyk W
26 - 33
31/10 Santander Cup W.. Silkeborg-Voe..
36 - 34
28/08 Santander Cup W.. Skanderborg W
27 - 29
30/12 Santander Cup W.. Odense W
32 - 35
29/12 Santander Cup W.. Nfh Nyk W
27 - 24
01/11 Santander Cup W.. Horsens W
22 - 36
23/08 Santander Cup W.. Eh Aalborg W
22 - 33
15/03 Bambusa Kvindel.. Nfh Nyk W
27 - 24
08/03 Bambusa Kvindel.. Herning-Ikast W
24 - 28
Tables Silkeborg-Voel W Viborg W
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 8 3 5 8 1 7
Won 4 2 2 5 1 4
Lost 4 1 3 3 0 3
Average Goals For 27.75 30.33 26.2 30.75 31 30.71
Average Goals Against 29.38 30.33 28.8 26.5 19 27.57
Form Statistics are displayed and calculated based on the last 8 games played by each team.

Team Statistics

Silkeborg-Voel W Viborg W
Bambusa Kvindeligaen Women, Denmark Total Home Away
Rank 4
Matches Played 24 12 12
Won 9 5 4
Draw 0 0 0
Lost 15 7 8
Goals For 650 314 336
Goals Against 678 324 354
Points 18 10 8
Bambusa Kvindeligaen Women, Denmark Total Home Away
Rank 11
Matches Played 25 13 12
Won 15 9 6
Draw 0 0 0
Lost 10 4 6
Goals For 716 392 324
Goals Against 671 350 321
Points 30 18 12