

Hokuriku Electric Power Blue Thunder vs Wakunaga

H2H statistics for Hokuriku Electric Power Blue Thunder vs Wakunaga: one-on-one comparison including the previous matches of the two handball teams, team results from previous meetings for both home and away games, comparison of team stats and results in their individual leagues, or top scorers and disciplinary actions for players in each team. View below the full statistics and data for the Hokuriku Electric Power Blue Thunder vs Wakunaga Head-to-Head comparison.

Hokuriku Electric Power Blue Thunder vs Wakunaga H2H Results

⚽ Matches
Tables Hokuriku Electric Power Blue Thunder Wakunaga
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 7 4 3 7 3 4
Won 2 2 0 5 3 2
Lost 5 2 3 2 0 2
Average Goals For 29.14 30.5 27.33 33.14 35.67 31.25
Average Goals Against 33.14 31.25 35.67 29.14 27.33 30.5

Form Statistics

Hokuriku Electric Power Blue Thunder Wakunaga
30/11 Jhl Wakunaga H
34 - 29
24/11 Jhl Fukuoka A
29 - 39
16/11 Jhl Zeekstar Tokyo H
23 - 32
26/10 Jhl Ryukyu Corazon H
29 - 24
19/10 Jhl Earth Friends.. H
31 - 35
05/10 Jhl Toyota Auto B.. H
23 - 44
28/09 Jhl Osaki Osol A
32 - 28
22/09 Jhl Toyoda Gosei H
24 - 36
30/11 Jhl Wakunaga
34 - 29
16/11 Jhl Zeekstar Tokyo
23 - 32
26/10 Jhl Ryukyu Corazon
29 - 24
19/10 Jhl Earth Friends..
31 - 35
05/10 Jhl Toyota Auto B..
23 - 44
22/09 Jhl Toyoda Gosei
24 - 36
14/09 Jhl Osaka
33 - 20
04/05 Jhl Earth Friends..
32 - 31
24/11 Jhl Fukuoka
29 - 39
28/09 Jhl Osaki Osol
32 - 28
07/09 Jhl Toyota Boshok..
27 - 29
19/05 Jhl Daido
37 - 31
10/05 Jhl Wakunaga
38 - 35
27/04 Jhl Toyoda Gosei
38 - 25
13/04 Jhl Toyota Motor ..
25 - 33
17/02 Jhl Fukuoka
28 - 34
30/11 Jhl Hokuriku Elec.. A
34 - 29
23/11 Jhl Osaka H
33 - 21
16/11 Jhl Toyota Boshok.. H
24 - 30
26/10 Jhl Toyota Motor .. A
33 - 33
19/10 Jhl Toyama Dreams A
24 - 32
06/10 Jhl Daido H
26 - 34
28/09 Jhl Toyoda Gosei A
30 - 31
23/09 Jhl Fukuoka A
28 - 36
23/11 Jhl Osaka
33 - 21
16/11 Jhl Toyota Boshok..
24 - 30
06/10 Jhl Daido
26 - 34
14/09 Jhl Zeekstar Tokyo
24 - 37
10/05 Jhl Hokuriku Elec..
38 - 35
03/05 Jhl Toyoda Gosei
28 - 48
06/04 Jhl Fukuoka
39 - 26
31/03 Jhl Toyota Auto B..
26 - 30
30/11 Jhl Hokuriku Elec..
34 - 29
26/10 Jhl Toyota Motor ..
33 - 33
19/10 Jhl Toyama Dreams
24 - 32
28/09 Jhl Toyoda Gosei
30 - 31
23/09 Jhl Fukuoka
28 - 36
08/09 Jhl Ryukyu Corazon
36 - 33
29/04 Jhl Toyota Motor ..
34 - 34
14/04 Jhl Ryukyu Corazon
30 - 37
Tables Hokuriku Electric Power Blue Thunder Wakunaga
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 8 6 2 8 3 5
Won 3 2 1 5 1 4
Lost 5 4 1 3 2 1
Average Goals For 28.88 27.33 33.5 30.5 27.67 32.2
Average Goals Against 32.62 33.33 30.5 29.25 28.33 29.8
Form Statistics are displayed and calculated based on the last 8 games played by each team.

Team Statistics

Hokuriku Electric Power Blue Thunder Wakunaga
JHL, Japan Total Home Away
Matches Played 10 7 3
Won 5 3 2
Draw 0 0 0
Lost 5 4 1
Goals For 293 197 96
Goals Against 308 220 88
Points 10 6 4
JHL, Japan Total Home Away
Matches Played 10 4 6
Won 4 1 3
Draw 0 0 0
Lost 6 3 3
Goals For 301 107 194
Goals Against 307 122 185
Points 8 2 6