

Hannover-Burgdorf vs Lemgo

H2H statistics for Hannover-Burgdorf vs Lemgo: one-on-one comparison including the previous matches of the two handball teams, team results from previous meetings for both home and away games, comparison of team stats and results in their individual leagues, or top scorers and disciplinary actions for players in each team. View below the full statistics and data for the Hannover-Burgdorf vs Lemgo Head-to-Head comparison.

Hannover-Burgdorf vs Lemgo H2H Results

⚽ Matches
Tables Hannover-Burgdorf Lemgo
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 7 3 4 7 4 3
Won 4 2 2 3 2 1
Lost 3 1 2 4 2 2
Average Goals For 29.57 30 29.25 29.14 29 29.33
Average Goals Against 29.14 29.33 29 29.57 29.25 30

Form Statistics

Hannover-Burgdorf Lemgo
06/12 Bundesliga Rhein-Neckar H
35 - 30
01/12 Bundesliga Lemgo A
22 - 31
23/11 Bundesliga Sc Magdeburg H
28 - 27
16/11 Bundesliga Bietigheim-Me.. A
28 - 28
13/11 Dhb Pokal Flensburg-H. H
26 - 33
31/10 Bundesliga Stuttgart H
33 - 20
24/10 Bundesliga Hamburg A
32 - 32
20/10 Bundesliga Flensburg-H. H
31 - 30
06/12 Bundesliga Rhein-Neckar
35 - 30
23/11 Bundesliga Sc Magdeburg
28 - 27
13/11 Dhb Pokal Flensburg-H.
26 - 33
31/10 Bundesliga Stuttgart
33 - 20
20/10 Bundesliga Flensburg-H.
31 - 30
05/10 Bundesliga Eisenach
28 - 26
22/09 Bundesliga Fuchse Berlin
38 - 35
05/09 Bundesliga Gummersbach
28 - 32
01/12 Bundesliga Lemgo
22 - 31
16/11 Bundesliga Bietigheim-Me..
28 - 28
24/10 Bundesliga Hamburg
32 - 32
13/10 Bundesliga Potsdam
22 - 27
02/10 Dhb Pokal Lubeck-Schwar..
33 - 36
27/09 Bundesliga Goppingen
31 - 33
15/09 Bundesliga Hsg Wetzlar
25 - 36
29/05 Bundesliga Hsg Wetzlar
32 - 32
08/12 Bundesliga Goppingen A
29 - 22
01/12 Bundesliga Hannover-Burg.. H
22 - 31
23/11 Bundesliga Flensburg-H. A
36 - 27
16/11 Bundesliga Eisenach H
31 - 28
13/11 Dhb Pokal Coburg 2000 A
29 - 28
03/11 Bundesliga Sc Magdeburg A
30 - 27
27/10 Bundesliga Rhein-Neckar H
34 - 31
20/10 Bundesliga Stuttgart H
28 - 24
01/12 Bundesliga Hannover-Burg..
22 - 31
16/11 Bundesliga Eisenach
31 - 28
27/10 Bundesliga Rhein-Neckar
34 - 31
20/10 Bundesliga Stuttgart
28 - 24
06/10 Bundesliga Leipzig
33 - 28
19/09 Bundesliga Hsg Wetzlar
28 - 25
05/09 Bundesliga Mt Melsungen
20 - 28
29/05 Bundesliga Hbw Balingen-..
37 - 27
08/12 Bundesliga Goppingen
29 - 22
23/11 Bundesliga Flensburg-H.
36 - 27
13/11 Dhb Pokal Coburg 2000
29 - 28
03/11 Bundesliga Sc Magdeburg
30 - 27
10/10 Bundesliga Bietigheim-Me..
23 - 28
02/10 Dhb Pokal Ludwigshafen
17 - 30
28/09 Bundesliga Hamburg
30 - 26
15/09 Bundesliga Gummersbach
27 - 29
Tables Hannover-Burgdorf Lemgo
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 8 5 3 8 4 4
Won 7 4 3 3 3 0
Lost 1 1 0 5 1 4
Average Goals For 30.5 30.6 30.33 27.38 28.75 26
Average Goals Against 27.75 28 27.33 29.75 28.5 31
Form Statistics are displayed and calculated based on the last 8 games played by each team.

Team Statistics

Hannover-Burgdorf Lemgo
Bundesliga, Germany Total Home Away
Rank 17
Matches Played 13 7 6
Won 10 6 4
Draw 0 0 0
Lost 3 1 2
Goals For 408 221 187
Goals Against 360 200 160
Points 20 12 8
Bundesliga, Germany Total Home Away
Rank 7
Matches Played 13 7 6
Won 7 5 2
Draw 0 0 0
Lost 6 2 4
Goals For 355 196 159
Goals Against 370 195 175
Points 14 10 4