

Gwangju City W vs Sugar Gliders W

H2H statistics for Gwangju City W vs Sugar Gliders W: one-on-one comparison including the previous matches of the two handball teams, team results from previous meetings for both home and away games, comparison of team stats and results in their individual leagues, or top scorers and disciplinary actions for players in each team. View below the full statistics and data for the Gwangju City W vs Sugar Gliders W Head-to-Head comparison.

Gwangju City W vs Sugar Gliders W H2H Results

⚽ Matches
Tables Gwangju City W Sugar Gliders W
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 10 6 4 10 4 6
Won 3 2 1 7 3 4
Lost 7 4 3 3 1 2
Average Goals For 24.4 25.5 22.75 27.3 27.25 27.33
Average Goals Against 27.3 27.33 27.25 24.4 22.75 25.5

Form Statistics

Gwangju City W Sugar Gliders W
20/04 1St League Women Busan W H
22 - 23
15/04 1St League Women Incheon City W H
23 - 24
03/04 1St League Women Sugar Gliders W H
17 - 26
31/03 1St League Women Daegu City W A
19 - 27
23/03 1St League Women Seoul City W H
27 - 30
17/03 1St League Women Samcheok City W A
24 - 21
09/03 1St League Women Gyeongnam Dc W A
25 - 22
02/03 1St League Women Busan W H
23 - 21
20/04 1St League Women Busan W
22 - 23
15/04 1St League Women Incheon City W
23 - 24
03/04 1St League Women Sugar Gliders W
17 - 26
23/03 1St League Women Seoul City W
27 - 30
02/03 1St League Women Busan W
23 - 21
11/02 1St League Women Daegu City W
29 - 23
25/01 1St League Women Gyeongnam Dc W
20 - 28
20/01 1St League Women Sugar Gliders W
12 - 21
31/03 1St League Women Daegu City W
19 - 27
17/03 1St League Women Samcheok City W
24 - 21
09/03 1St League Women Gyeongnam Dc W
25 - 22
25/02 1St League Women Incheon City W
20 - 17
18/02 1St League Women Sugar Gliders W
26 - 15
03/02 1St League Women Seoul City W
34 - 28
31/01 1St League Women Gyeongnam Dc W
29 - 18
27/01 1St League Women Samcheok City W
27 - 30
18/04 1St League Women Daegu City W H
33 - 31
14/04 1St League Women Samcheok City W H
27 - 24
03/04 1St League Women Gwangju City W A
17 - 26
29/03 1St League Women Gyeongnam Dc W H
25 - 21
21/03 1St League Women Incheon City W A
25 - 29
16/03 1St League Women Seoul City W A
25 - 29
08/03 1St League Women Busan W H
30 - 30
01/03 1St League Women Daegu City W A
26 - 31
18/04 1St League Women Daegu City W
33 - 31
14/04 1St League Women Samcheok City W
27 - 24
29/03 1St League Women Gyeongnam Dc W
25 - 21
08/03 1St League Women Busan W
30 - 30
18/02 1St League Women Gwangju City W
26 - 15
09/02 1St League Women Gyeongnam Dc W
30 - 30
13/01 1St League Women Incheon City W
30 - 21
11/01 1St League Women Gyeongnam Dc W
35 - 30
03/04 1St League Women Gwangju City W
17 - 26
21/03 1St League Women Incheon City W
25 - 29
16/03 1St League Women Seoul City W
25 - 29
01/03 1St League Women Daegu City W
26 - 31
22/02 1St League Women Samcheok City W
23 - 25
02/02 1St League Women Incheon City W
26 - 32
26/01 1St League Women Seoul City W
32 - 33
24/01 1St League Women Busan W
27 - 26
Tables Gwangju City W Sugar Gliders W
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 8 5 3 8 4 4
Won 2 1 1 8 4 4
Lost 6 4 2 0 0 0
Average Goals For 22.75 22.4 23.33 28.75 28.75 28.75
Average Goals Against 24 24.8 22.67 24.88 26.5 23.25
Form Statistics are displayed and calculated based on the last 8 games played by each team.

Team Statistics

Gwangju City W Sugar Gliders W
1st League Women, South Korea Total Home Away
Rank 3
Matches Played 21 10 11
Won 6 2 4
Draw 0 0 0
Lost 15 8 7
Goals For 476 217 259
Goals Against 536 259 277
Points 12 4 8
1st League Women, South Korea Total Home Away
Rank 5
Matches Played 21 11 10
Won 18 9 9
Draw 0 0 0
Lost 3 2 1
Goals For 605 326 279
Goals Against 512 273 239
Points 36 18 18