

Brixen W vs Teramo W

H2H statistics for Brixen W vs Teramo W: one-on-one comparison including the previous matches of the two handball teams, team results from previous meetings for both home and away games, comparison of team stats and results in their individual leagues, or top scorers and disciplinary actions for players in each team. View below the full statistics and data for the Brixen W vs Teramo W Head-to-Head comparison.

Brixen W vs Teramo W H2H Results

⚽ Matches
Tables Brixen W Teramo W
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 4 2 2 4 2 2
Won 4 2 2 0 0 0
Lost 0 0 0 4 2 2
Average Goals For 32.75 29.5 36 24 24.5 23.5
Average Goals Against 24 23.5 24.5 32.75 36 29.5

Form Statistics

Brixen W Teramo W
07/12 Serie A Women Leno W A
26 - 31
09/11 Serie A Women Jomi Salerno W H
22 - 30
02/11 Serie A Women Pontinia W A
31 - 28
19/10 Serie A Women Sassari W H
38 - 24
16/10 Serie A Women Casalgrande P.. H
27 - 22
12/10 Serie A Women Cassano W A
25 - 23
21/09 Serie A Women Mezzocorona W A
25 - 39
07/09 Serie A Women Ferrara W A
24 - 28
09/11 Serie A Women Jomi Salerno W
22 - 30
19/10 Serie A Women Sassari W
38 - 24
16/10 Serie A Women Casalgrande P..
27 - 22
31/08 Super Cup Women Erice W
21 - 30
08/05 Serie A Women Jomi Salerno W
26 - 24
20/04 Serie A Women Cassano W
25 - 19
16/03 Serie A Women Pontinia W
28 - 33
09/03 Serie A Women Erice W
22 - 20
07/12 Serie A Women Leno W
26 - 31
02/11 Serie A Women Pontinia W
31 - 28
12/10 Serie A Women Cassano W
25 - 23
21/09 Serie A Women Mezzocorona W
25 - 39
07/09 Serie A Women Ferrara W
24 - 28
26/05 Serie A Women Erice W
30 - 34
14/05 Serie A Women Jomi Salerno W
28 - 29
12/05 Serie A Women Jomi Salerno W
32 - 26
07/12 Serie A Women Casalgrande P.. A
33 - 24
09/11 Serie A Women Mezzocorona W H
33 - 22
02/11 Serie A Women Jomi Salerno W A
37 - 21
19/10 Serie A Women Padova W H
25 - 27
16/10 Serie A Women Pontinia W A
34 - 27
05/10 Serie A Women Ferrara W H
21 - 36
22/09 Serie A Women Sassari W A
24 - 37
07/09 Serie A Women Cassano W A
34 - 26
09/11 Serie A Women Mezzocorona W
33 - 22
19/10 Serie A Women Padova W
25 - 27
05/10 Serie A Women Ferrara W
21 - 36
27/04 Serie A Women Brixen W
20 - 31
13/04 Serie A Women Casalgrande P..
32 - 29
09/03 Serie A Women Dossobuono W
32 - 21
10/01 Serie A Women Jomi Salerno W
19 - 21
16/12 Serie A Women Pontinia W
23 - 29
07/12 Serie A Women Casalgrande P..
33 - 24
02/11 Serie A Women Jomi Salerno W
37 - 21
16/10 Serie A Women Pontinia W
34 - 27
22/09 Serie A Women Sassari W
24 - 37
07/09 Serie A Women Cassano W
34 - 26
04/05 Serie A Women Pontinia W
33 - 30
20/04 Serie A Women Mezzocorona W
30 - 26
16/03 Serie A Women Sassari W
23 - 33
Tables Brixen W Teramo W
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 8 3 5 8 3 5
Won 5 2 3 2 1 1
Lost 3 1 2 6 2 4
Average Goals For 29.5 29 29.8 26.75 26.33 27
Average Goals Against 25.88 25.33 26.2 30.88 28.33 32.4
Form Statistics are displayed and calculated based on the last 8 games played by each team.

Team Statistics

Brixen W Teramo W
Serie A Women, Italy Total Home Away
Rank 7
Matches Played 8 3 5
Won 5 2 3
Draw 0 0 0
Lost 3 1 2
Goals For 236 87 149
Goals Against 207 76 131
Points 10 4 6
Serie A Women, Italy Total Home Away
Rank 2
Matches Played 8 3 5
Won 2 1 1
Draw 0 0 0
Lost 6 2 4
Goals For 214 79 135
Goals Against 247 85 162
Points 4 2 2