

BK-46 vs SIF

H2H statistics for BK-46 vs SIF: one-on-one comparison including the previous matches of the two handball teams, team results from previous meetings for both home and away games, comparison of team stats and results in their individual leagues, or top scorers and disciplinary actions for players in each team. View below the full statistics and data for the BK-46 vs SIF Head-to-Head comparison.

BK-46 vs SIF H2H Results

⚽ Matches
Wed04/12/2024 SM-sarja SIF
25 - 36
Tue08/10/2024 SM-sarja BK-46
39 - 22
Wed17/01/2024 SM-sarja SIF
22 - 34
Wed22/11/2023 SM-sarja BK-46
34 - 22
Sun08/10/2023 SM-sarja SIF
21 - 37
Wed29/03/2023 SM-sarja BK-46
33 - 26
Sat25/03/2023 SM-sarja SIF
21 - 31
Wed22/03/2023 SM-sarja BK-46
38 - 18
Sat21/01/2023 SM-sarja SIF
19 - 35
Sat26/11/2022 SM-sarja BK-46
40 - 23
Tables BK-46 SIF
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 10 5 5 10 5 5
Won 10 5 5 0 0 0
Lost 0 0 0 10 5 5
Average Goals For 35.7 36.8 34.6 21.9 21.6 22.2
Average Goals Against 21.9 22.2 21.6 35.7 34.6 36.8

Form Statistics

07/12 Sm-Sarja Aifk H
39 - 15
04/12 Sm-Sarja Sif A
25 - 36
19/11 Sm-Sarja Dicken H
35 - 16
16/11 Sm-Sarja Hifk A
38 - 38
01/11 Sm-Sarja Grifk H
36 - 22
11/10 Sm-Sarja Aifk A
21 - 33
08/10 Sm-Sarja Sif H
39 - 22
06/10 Sm-Sarja Dicken A
25 - 37
07/12 Sm-Sarja Aifk
39 - 15
19/11 Sm-Sarja Dicken
35 - 16
01/11 Sm-Sarja Grifk
36 - 22
08/10 Sm-Sarja Sif
39 - 22
28/09 Sm-Sarja Hifk
42 - 28
14/09 Sm-Sarja Cocks
35 - 25
13/09 Sm-Sarja Cocks
33 - 27
27/04 Sm-Sarja Cocks
37 - 33
04/12 Sm-Sarja Sif
25 - 36
16/11 Sm-Sarja Hifk
38 - 38
11/10 Sm-Sarja Aifk
21 - 33
06/10 Sm-Sarja Dicken
25 - 37
21/09 Sm-Sarja Grifk
21 - 36
24/04 Sm-Sarja Cocks
24 - 31
06/04 Sm-Sarja Dicken
22 - 32
06/03 Sm-Sarja Cocks
37 - 30
07/12 Sm-Sarja Cocks A
35 - 22
04/12 Sm-Sarja Bk-46 H
25 - 36
22/11 Sm-Sarja Aifk A
29 - 34
02/11 Sm-Sarja Dicken H
34 - 21
26/10 Sm-Sarja Grifk A
28 - 24
18/10 Sm-Sarja Hifk A
39 - 27
12/10 Sm-Sarja Cocks H
24 - 31
08/10 Sm-Sarja Bk-46 A
39 - 22
04/12 Sm-Sarja Bk-46
25 - 36
02/11 Sm-Sarja Dicken
34 - 21
12/10 Sm-Sarja Cocks
24 - 31
05/10 Sm-Sarja Aifk
38 - 27
14/09 Sm-Sarja Hifk
35 - 38
23/03 Sm-Sarja Grifk
22 - 23
28/02 Sm-Sarja Dicken
24 - 27
11/02 Sm-Sarja Aifk
34 - 26
07/12 Sm-Sarja Cocks
35 - 22
22/11 Sm-Sarja Aifk
29 - 34
26/10 Sm-Sarja Grifk
28 - 24
18/10 Sm-Sarja Hifk
39 - 27
08/10 Sm-Sarja Bk-46
39 - 22
21/09 Sm-Sarja Dicken
26 - 27
20/03 Sm-Sarja Grifk
22 - 19
06/03 Sm-Sarja Aifk
30 - 33
Tables BK-46 SIF
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 8 4 4 8 3 5
Won 8 4 4 2 1 1
Lost 0 0 0 6 2 4
Average Goals For 36.62 37.25 36 26.5 27.67 25.8
Average Goals Against 23 18.75 27.25 32.25 29.33 34
Form Statistics are displayed and calculated based on the last 8 games played by each team.

Team Statistics

SM-sarja, Finland Total Home Away
Rank 2
Matches Played 12 7 5
Won 11 7 4
Draw 0 0 0
Lost 1 0 1
Goals For 439 259 180
Goals Against 285 155 130
Points 22 14 8
SM-sarja, Finland Total Home Away
Rank 3
Matches Played 11 5 6
Won 4 2 2
Draw 0 0 0
Lost 7 3 4
Goals For 312 156 156
Goals Against 349 153 196
Points 8 4 4