

Radnicki vs Rudar Kostolac

H2H statistics for Radnicki vs Rudar Kostolac: one-on-one comparison including the previous matches of the two handball teams, team results from previous meetings for both home and away games, comparison of team stats and results in their individual leagues, or top scorers and disciplinary actions for players in each team. View below the full statistics and data for the Radnicki vs Rudar Kostolac Head-to-Head comparison.

Radnicki vs Rudar Kostolac H2H Results

⚽ Matches
Tables Radnicki Rudar Kostolac
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 4 1 3 4 3 1
Won 4 1 3 0 0 0
Lost 0 0 0 4 3 1
Average Goals For 30 28 30.67 26.75 27 26
Average Goals Against 26.75 26 27 30 30.67 28

Form Statistics

Radnicki Rudar Kostolac
07/12 Superliga Dubocica A
38 - 30
02/12 Superliga Rudar Kostolac A
25 - 27
22/11 Superliga Metaloplastika H
26 - 32
16/11 Superliga Partizan A
39 - 20
12/11 Superliga Vranje H
33 - 27
26/10 Superliga Crvena Zvezda A
29 - 29
18/10 Superliga Vojvodina H
24 - 36
12/10 Superliga Kolubara A
32 - 30
22/11 Superliga Metaloplastika
26 - 32
12/11 Superliga Vranje
33 - 27
18/10 Superliga Vojvodina
24 - 36
05/10 Superliga Jugovic
28 - 31
27/09 Superliga Pancevo
29 - 28
15/09 Superliga Dubocica
31 - 22
15/05 Superliga Obilic Beograd
36 - 34
02/05 Superliga Proleter
34 - 27
07/12 Superliga Dubocica
38 - 30
02/12 Superliga Rudar Kostolac
25 - 27
16/11 Superliga Partizan
39 - 20
26/10 Superliga Crvena Zvezda
29 - 29
12/10 Superliga Kolubara
32 - 30
22/09 Superliga Obilic Beograd
24 - 31
18/05 Superliga Jugovic
36 - 36
26/04 Superliga Crvena Zvezda
35 - 36
07/12 Superliga Jugovic H
31 - 31
02/12 Superliga Radnicki H
25 - 27
23/11 Superliga Obilic Beograd A
26 - 30
16/11 Superliga Dubocica H
30 - 31
03/11 Superliga Pancevo A
32 - 26
23/10 Superliga Metaloplastika A
38 - 19
16/10 Superliga Partizan H
21 - 32
11/10 Superliga Vranje A
26 - 25
07/12 Superliga Jugovic
31 - 31
02/12 Superliga Radnicki
25 - 27
16/11 Superliga Dubocica
30 - 31
16/10 Superliga Partizan
21 - 32
04/10 Superliga Crvena Zvezda
29 - 35
21/09 Superliga Kolubara
21 - 21
03/05 Superliga Jugovic
27 - 29
18/04 Superliga Pancevo
32 - 40
23/11 Superliga Obilic Beograd
26 - 30
03/11 Superliga Pancevo
32 - 26
23/10 Superliga Metaloplastika
38 - 19
11/10 Superliga Vranje
26 - 25
28/09 Superliga Vojvodina
41 - 23
15/09 Superliga Jugovic
32 - 30
22/04 Superliga Radnicki
28 - 26
08/04 Superliga Obilic Beograd
41 - 27
Tables Radnicki Rudar Kostolac
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 8 3 5 8 4 4
Won 3 1 2 2 1 1
Lost 5 2 3 6 3 3
Average Goals For 27.38 27.67 27.2 25.88 26.75 25
Average Goals Against 32.25 31.67 32.6 30.38 30.25 30.5
Form Statistics are displayed and calculated based on the last 8 games played by each team.

Team Statistics

Radnicki Rudar Kostolac
Superliga, Serbia Total Home Away
Matches Played 12 6 6
Won 5 3 2
Draw 0 0 0
Lost 7 3 4
Goals For 338 171 167
Goals Against 363 176 187
Points 10 6 4
Superliga, Serbia Total Home Away
Matches Played 12 6 6
Won 1 0 1
Draw 0 0 0
Lost 11 6 5
Goals For 310 157 153
Goals Against 372 177 195
Points 2 0 2