

Porto vs SC Horta

H2H statistics for Porto vs SC Horta: one-on-one comparison including the previous matches of the two handball teams, team results from previous meetings for both home and away games, comparison of team stats and results in their individual leagues, or top scorers and disciplinary actions for players in each team. View below the full statistics and data for the Porto vs SC Horta Head-to-Head comparison.

Porto vs SC Horta H2H Results

⚽ Matches
Tables Porto SC Horta
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 4 2 2 4 2 2
Won 4 2 2 0 0 0
Lost 0 0 0 4 2 2
Average Goals For 36 36.5 35.5 24 22.5 25.5
Average Goals Against 24 25.5 22.5 36 35.5 36.5

Form Statistics

Porto SC Horta
07/12 Andebol 1 Povoa H
42 - 22
04/12 Andebol 1 Benfica H
35 - 29
30/11 Andebol 1 Sc Horta A
27 - 38
16/11 Andebol 1 Vitoria Sc A
21 - 36
02/11 Andebol 1 Sporting H
30 - 31
29/10 Ehf European Le.. Vardar 1961 H
37 - 24
26/10 Andebol 1 Madeira Sad A
27 - 40
22/10 Ehf European Le.. Vardar 1961 A
22 - 26
07/12 Andebol 1 Povoa
42 - 22
04/12 Andebol 1 Benfica
35 - 29
02/11 Andebol 1 Sporting
30 - 31
29/10 Ehf European Le.. Vardar 1961
37 - 24
19/10 Andebol 1 Abc Braga
38 - 28
05/10 Andebol 1 Avanca
30 - 24
27/09 Andebol 1 Nazare
44 - 22
14/09 Andebol 1 Sc Horta
35 - 26
30/11 Andebol 1 Sc Horta
27 - 38
16/11 Andebol 1 Vitoria Sc
21 - 36
26/10 Andebol 1 Madeira Sad
27 - 40
22/10 Ehf European Le.. Vardar 1961
22 - 26
12/10 Andebol 1 Belenenses
23 - 28
02/10 Andebol 1 Aguas Santas
24 - 36
19/09 Andebol 1 Povoa
21 - 36
07/09 Andebol 1 Benfica
24 - 27
07/12 Andebol 1 Vitoria Sc A
37 - 30
30/11 Andebol 1 Porto H
27 - 38
23/11 Andebol 1 Madeira Sad A
30 - 23
19/11 Andebol 1 Abc Braga H
29 - 37
13/11 Andebol 1 Vitoria Sc H
33 - 36
26/10 Andebol 1 Avanca A
25 - 27
23/10 Andebol 1 Nazare A
41 - 27
19/10 Andebol 1 Aguas Santas H
27 - 31
30/11 Andebol 1 Porto
27 - 38
19/11 Andebol 1 Abc Braga
29 - 37
13/11 Andebol 1 Vitoria Sc
33 - 36
19/10 Andebol 1 Aguas Santas
27 - 31
05/10 Andebol 1 Povoa
28 - 30
24/08 Andebol 1 Madeira Sad
28 - 34
03/02 Taca De Portugal Gaia
34 - 31
18/06 Andebol 1 Santo Tirso
33 - 35
07/12 Andebol 1 Vitoria Sc
37 - 30
23/11 Andebol 1 Madeira Sad
30 - 23
26/10 Andebol 1 Avanca
25 - 27
23/10 Andebol 1 Nazare
41 - 27
02/10 Andebol 1 Sporting
43 - 17
28/09 Andebol 1 Benfica
45 - 22
14/09 Andebol 1 Porto
35 - 26
04/09 Andebol 1 Abc Braga
32 - 24
Tables Porto SC Horta
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 8 4 4 8 4 4
Won 7 3 4 1 0 1
Lost 1 1 0 7 4 3
Average Goals For 35.5 36 35 27.88 29 26.75
Average Goals Against 25.38 26.5 24.25 34.38 35.5 33.25
Form Statistics are displayed and calculated based on the last 8 games played by each team.

Team Statistics

Porto SC Horta
Andebol 1, Portugal Total Home Away
Rank 4
Matches Played 15 8 7
Won 14 7 7
Draw 0 0 0
Lost 1 1 0
Goals For 537 296 241
Goals Against 371 204 167
Points 28 14 14
Andebol 1, Portugal Total Home Away
Rank 3
Matches Played 14 6 8
Won 1 0 1
Draw 0 0 0
Lost 13 6 7
Goals For 368 172 196
Goals Against 494 206 288
Points 2 0 2