

Osaka Lovvits W vs Takayama W

H2H statistics for Osaka Lovvits W vs Takayama W: one-on-one comparison including the previous matches of the two handball teams, team results from previous meetings for both home and away games, comparison of team stats and results in their individual leagues, or top scorers and disciplinary actions for players in each team. View below the full statistics and data for the Osaka Lovvits W vs Takayama W Head-to-Head comparison.

Osaka Lovvits W vs Takayama W H2H Results

⚽ Matches
Tables Osaka Lovvits W Takayama W
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 6 3 3 6 3 3
Won 1 1 0 5 3 2
Lost 5 2 3 1 0 1
Average Goals For 16.67 13 20.33 22.83 24 21.67
Average Goals Against 22.83 21.67 24 16.67 20.33 13

Form Statistics

Osaka Lovvits W Takayama W
05/10 Jhl Women Mie Violet Ur.. H
18 - 23
28/09 Jhl Women Kumamoto W A
27 - 26
23/09 Jhl Women Hc Nagoya W H
16 - 32
16/09 Jhl Women Prestige Inte.. A
29 - 28
13/09 Jhl Women The Terrace H.. H
21 - 23
08/09 Jhl Women Hokkoku Bank W A
30 - 15
19/05 Jhl Women Takayama W A
28 - 20
03/05 Jhl Women Kagawa Bank W H
29 - 28
05/10 Jhl Women Mie Violet Ur..
18 - 23
23/09 Jhl Women Hc Nagoya W
16 - 32
13/09 Jhl Women The Terrace H..
21 - 23
03/05 Jhl Women Kagawa Bank W
29 - 28
25/02 Jhl Women Hc Nagoya W
26 - 26
17/02 Jhl Women Sony Semicond..
22 - 32
12/02 Jhl Women Takayama W
17 - 27
27/01 Jhl Women Hiroshima Map..
24 - 28
28/09 Jhl Women Kumamoto W
27 - 26
16/09 Jhl Women Prestige Inte..
29 - 28
08/09 Jhl Women Hokkoku Bank W
30 - 15
19/05 Jhl Women Takayama W
28 - 20
29/04 Jhl Women Hiroshima Map..
33 - 25
02/03 Jhl Women Omron Yamaga W
29 - 21
23/02 Jhl Women Hokkoku Bank W
27 - 18
11/02 Jhl Women Prestige Inte..
34 - 24
29/09 Jhl Women Hokkoku Bank W H
22 - 23
23/09 Jhl Women Prestige Inte.. A
30 - 16
21/09 Jhl Women The Terrace H.. H
28 - 28
16/09 Jhl Women Kumamoto W A
26 - 25
14/09 Jhl Women Hc Nagoya W H
22 - 28
07/09 Jhl Women Sony Semicond.. A
35 - 26
19/05 Jhl Women Osaka Lovvits W H
28 - 20
27/04 Jhl Women Hokkoku Bank W A
32 - 12
29/09 Jhl Women Hokkoku Bank W
22 - 23
21/09 Jhl Women The Terrace H..
28 - 28
14/09 Jhl Women Hc Nagoya W
22 - 28
19/05 Jhl Women Osaka Lovvits W
28 - 20
03/03 Jhl Women The Terrace H..
25 - 26
18/02 Jhl Women Hiroshima Map..
20 - 23
11/02 Jhl Women Hokkoku Bank W
23 - 28
21/01 Jhl Women Hc Nagoya W
20 - 26
23/09 Jhl Women Prestige Inte..
30 - 16
16/09 Jhl Women Kumamoto W
26 - 25
07/09 Jhl Women Sony Semicond..
35 - 26
27/04 Jhl Women Hokkoku Bank W
32 - 12
09/03 Jhl Women Hc Nagoya W
24 - 25
23/02 Jhl Women Kagawa Bank W
32 - 22
12/02 Jhl Women Osaka Lovvits W
17 - 27
03/02 Jhl Women Sony Semicond..
30 - 18
Tables Osaka Lovvits W Takayama W
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 8 4 4 8 4 4
Won 1 1 0 2 2 0
Lost 7 3 4 6 2 4
Average Goals For 21.62 21 22.25 22.38 25 19.75
Average Goals Against 27.5 26.5 28.5 27.75 24.75 30.75
Form Statistics are displayed and calculated based on the last 8 games played by each team.

Team Statistics

Osaka Lovvits W Takayama W
JHL Women, Japan Total Home Away
Matches Played 6 3 3
Won 0 0 0
Draw 0 0 0
Lost 6 3 3
Goals For 124 55 69
Goals Against 164 78 86
Points 0 0 0
JHL Women, Japan Total Home Away
Matches Played 6 3 3
Won 0 0 0
Draw 0 0 0
Lost 6 3 3
Goals For 139 72 67
Goals Against 170 79 91
Points 0 0 0