

NEKA vs Szeged

H2H statistics for NEKA vs Szeged: one-on-one comparison including the previous matches of the two handball teams, team results from previous meetings for both home and away games, comparison of team stats and results in their individual leagues, or top scorers and disciplinary actions for players in each team. View below the full statistics and data for the NEKA vs Szeged Head-to-Head comparison.

NEKA vs Szeged H2H Results

⚽ Matches
Sat30/11/2024 NB I NEKA
26 - 36
Sat18/05/2024 Hungarian Cup Szeged
39 - 33
Tue30/04/2024 NB I Szeged
47 - 31
Fri01/12/2023 NB I NEKA
30 - 39
Fri05/05/2023 NB I NEKA
19 - 30
Sat26/11/2022 NB I Szeged
36 - 24
Fri11/02/2022 NB I NEKA
26 - 31
Fri10/09/2021 NB I Szeged
40 - 22
Tables NEKA Szeged
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 8 4 4 8 4 4
Won 0 0 0 8 4 4
Lost 8 4 4 0 0 0
Average Goals For 26.38 25.25 27.5 37.25 40.5 34
Average Goals Against 37.25 34 40.5 26.38 27.5 25.25

Form Statistics

NEKA Szeged
07/12 Nb I Gyongyosi H
34 - 37
30/11 Nb I Szeged H
26 - 36
23/11 Nb I Telekom Veszp.. A
52 - 27
16/11 Nb I Pler H
25 - 28
12/11 Hungarian Cup Ajka A
32 - 38
01/11 Nb I Gyor A
39 - 30
26/10 Nb I Csurgoi H
23 - 23
18/10 Nb I Eger A
34 - 33
07/12 Nb I Gyongyosi
34 - 37
30/11 Nb I Szeged
26 - 36
16/11 Nb I Pler
25 - 28
26/10 Nb I Csurgoi
23 - 23
12/10 Nb I Budakalasz
33 - 32
21/09 Nb I Dabas
28 - 24
07/09 Nb I Komloi
25 - 26
19/05 Hungarian Cup Dabas
32 - 27
23/11 Nb I Telekom Veszp..
52 - 27
12/11 Hungarian Cup Ajka
32 - 38
01/11 Nb I Gyor
39 - 30
18/10 Nb I Eger
34 - 33
29/09 Nb I Balatonfuredi
40 - 24
13/09 Nb I Tatabanya
39 - 33
18/05 Hungarian Cup Szeged
39 - 33
30/04 Nb I Szeged
47 - 31
05/12 Champions League Aalborg H
30 - 32
30/11 Nb I Neka A
26 - 36
27/11 Champions League Kolstad A
33 - 36
21/11 Champions League Kielce A
31 - 35
16/11 Nb I Telekom Veszp.. H
28 - 24
02/11 Nb I Pler A
27 - 41
30/10 Champions League Kielce H
28 - 27
26/10 Nb I Gyor H
38 - 29
05/12 Champions League Aalborg
30 - 32
16/11 Nb I Telekom Veszp..
28 - 24
30/10 Champions League Kielce
28 - 27
26/10 Nb I Gyor
38 - 29
24/10 Champions League Kolstad
27 - 29
26/09 Champions League Nantes
33 - 32
22/09 Nb I Balatonfuredi
37 - 28
12/09 Champions League Sc Magdeburg
31 - 29
30/11 Nb I Neka
26 - 36
27/11 Champions League Kolstad
33 - 36
21/11 Champions League Kielce
31 - 35
02/11 Nb I Pler
27 - 41
19/10 Nb I Csurgoi
32 - 27
16/10 Champions League Aalborg
29 - 28
09/10 Champions League Rk Zagreb
30 - 35
29/09 Nb I Budakalasz
27 - 37
Tables NEKA Szeged
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 8 4 4 8 4 4
Won 2 1 1 7 3 4
Lost 6 3 3 1 1 0
Average Goals For 29.5 27 32 34 31 37
Average Goals Against 35.12 31 39.25 28.62 28 29.25
Form Statistics are displayed and calculated based on the last 8 games played by each team.

Team Statistics

NEKA Szeged
NB I, Hungary Total Home Away
Matches Played 12 7 5
Won 2 2 0
Draw 0 0 0
Lost 10 5 5
Goals For 341 194 147
Goals Against 410 206 204
Points 4 4 0
NB I, Hungary Total Home Away
Matches Played 11 6 5
Won 10 6 4
Draw 0 0 0
Lost 1 0 1
Goals For 391 212 179
Goals Against 299 158 141
Points 20 12 8