
Mazur Sierpc vs Wielun

H2H statistics for Mazur Sierpc vs Wielun: one-on-one comparison including the previous matches of the two handball teams, team results from previous meetings for both home and away games, comparison of team stats and results in their individual leagues, or top scorers and disciplinary actions for players in each team. View below the full statistics and data for the Mazur Sierpc vs Wielun Head-to-Head comparison.

Mazur Sierpc vs Wielun H2H Results

⚽ Matches
Tables Mazur Sierpc Wielun
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 1 0 1 1 1 0
Won 1 0 1 0 0 0
Lost 0 0 0 1 1 0
Average Goals For 34 0 34 29 29 0
Average Goals Against 29 0 29 34 34 0

Form Statistics

Mazur Sierpc Wielun
19/01 I Liga Wisla Plock Ii A
26 - 27
11/01 I Liga Wielun A
29 - 34
14/12 I Liga Konin H
32 - 25
30/11 I Liga Sms Zprp Plock A
28 - 30
23/11 I Liga Warszawianka H
24 - 23
16/11 I Liga Pabianice A
30 - 26
26/10 I Liga Umcs Lublin H
35 - 32
19/10 I Liga Zwolen A
38 - 31
14/12 I Liga Konin
32 - 25
23/11 I Liga Warszawianka
24 - 23
26/10 I Liga Umcs Lublin
35 - 32
12/10 I Liga Trojka Ostrol..
36 - 31
28/09 I Liga Nowe Piekuty
38 - 36
08/05 I Liga Azs Awf Warsz..
39 - 37
27/04 I Liga Warszawianka
36 - 31
06/04 I Liga Konin
35 - 23
19/01 I Liga Wisla Plock Ii
26 - 27
11/01 I Liga Wielun
29 - 34
30/11 I Liga Sms Zprp Plock
28 - 30
16/11 I Liga Pabianice
30 - 26
19/10 I Liga Zwolen
38 - 31
05/10 I Liga Azs Awf Warsz..
39 - 27
20/04 I Liga Zwolen
35 - 29
18/04 I Liga Sms Zprp Plock
28 - 39
19/01 I Liga Konin H
28 - 22
11/01 I Liga Mazur Sierpc H
29 - 34
14/12 I Liga Sms Zprp Plock A
24 - 22
07/12 I Liga Warszawianka H
26 - 30
29/11 I Liga Pabianice A
30 - 25
23/11 I Liga Umcs Lublin H
35 - 26
17/11 I Liga Zwolen A
32 - 25
26/10 I Liga Trojka Ostrol.. H
29 - 24
19/01 I Liga Konin
28 - 22
11/01 I Liga Mazur Sierpc
29 - 34
07/12 I Liga Warszawianka
26 - 30
23/11 I Liga Umcs Lublin
35 - 26
26/10 I Liga Trojka Ostrol..
29 - 24
12/10 I Liga Nowe Piekuty
28 - 27
29/09 I Liga Wisla Plock Ii
27 - 26
05/05 Central League Ciechanow
30 - 31
14/12 I Liga Sms Zprp Plock
24 - 22
29/11 I Liga Pabianice
30 - 25
17/11 I Liga Zwolen
32 - 25
19/10 I Liga Azs Awf Warsz..
28 - 26
05/10 I Liga Uw Warszawa
28 - 23
14/09 I Liga Konin
29 - 27
16/05 Central League Olimpia Piekary
31 - 25
12/05 Central League Stal Mielec
28 - 20
Tables Mazur Sierpc Wielun
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 8 3 5 8 5 3
Won 6 3 3 3 3 0
Lost 2 0 2 5 2 3
Average Goals For 29.88 30.33 29.6 27.38 29.4 24
Average Goals Against 28.88 26.67 30.2 27.75 27.2 28.67
Form Statistics are displayed and calculated based on the last 8 games played by each team.

Team Statistics

Mazur Sierpc Wielun
I Liga, Poland Total Home Away
Rank 4
Matches Played 11 5 6
Won 8 5 3
Draw 0 0 0
Lost 3 0 3
Goals For 340 165 175
Goals Against 337 147 190
Points 16 10 6
I Liga, Poland Total Home Away
Rank 9
Matches Played 13 7 6
Won 5 5 0
Draw 0 0 0
Lost 8 2 6
Goals For 350 202 148
Goals Against 360 189 171
Points 10 10 0