

Lokomotiv Gorna vs Pirin

H2H statistics for Lokomotiv Gorna vs Pirin: one-on-one comparison including the previous matches of the two handball teams, team results from previous meetings for both home and away games, comparison of team stats and results in their individual leagues, or top scorers and disciplinary actions for players in each team. View below the full statistics and data for the Lokomotiv Gorna vs Pirin Head-to-Head comparison.

Lokomotiv Gorna vs Pirin H2H Results

⚽ Matches
Tables Lokomotiv Gorna Pirin
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 5 3 2 5 2 3
Won 4 3 1 1 1 0
Lost 1 0 1 4 1 3
Average Goals For 28.4 32.33 22.5 22 23.5 21
Average Goals Against 22 21 23.5 28.4 22.5 32.33

Form Statistics

Lokomotiv Gorna Pirin
07/12 A Rhg Osam Lovech A
27 - 28
30/11 A Rhg Pirin H
43 - 21
23/11 A Rhg Fregata Burgas A
21 - 28
17/11 A Rhg Rahovec A
20 - 35
16/11 A Rhg Chardafon Gab.. H
28 - 26
19/10 A Rhg Shumen H
28 - 24
12/10 A Rhg Spartak Varna A
28 - 28
05/10 A Rhg Nsa Sofia H
31 - 23
30/11 A Rhg Pirin
43 - 21
16/11 A Rhg Chardafon Gab..
28 - 26
19/10 A Rhg Shumen
28 - 24
05/10 A Rhg Nsa Sofia
31 - 23
18/05 A Rhg Shumen
30 - 25
13/04 A Rhg Osam Lovech
28 - 27
24/03 A Rhg Chardafon Gab..
27 - 17
02/03 A Rhg Nsa Sofia
31 - 23
07/12 A Rhg Osam Lovech
27 - 28
23/11 A Rhg Fregata Burgas
21 - 28
17/11 A Rhg Rahovec
20 - 35
12/10 A Rhg Spartak Varna
28 - 28
29/09 A Rhg Hk Levski
31 - 33
25/05 A Rhg Shumen
23 - 24
11/05 A Rhg Shumen
31 - 28
20/04 A Rhg Osam Lovech
22 - 23
01/12 A Rhg Chardafon Gab.. A
29 - 26
30/11 A Rhg Lokomotiv Gorna A
43 - 21
23/11 A Rhg Shumen H
27 - 35
16/11 A Rhg Spartak Varna A
29 - 19
27/10 A Rhg Hk Levski A
35 - 22
19/10 A Rhg Dobrudja H
32 - 29
13/10 A Rhg Nsa Sofia H
20 - 36
12/10 A Rhg Osam Lovech A
39 - 29
23/11 A Rhg Shumen
27 - 35
19/10 A Rhg Dobrudja
32 - 29
13/10 A Rhg Nsa Sofia
20 - 36
06/10 A Rhg Fregata Burgas
24 - 32
15/05 A Rhg Spartak Varna
33 - 22
22/04 A Rhg Lokomotiv Gorna
23 - 26
03/04 A Rhg Chardafon Gab..
34 - 26
06/03 A Rhg Osam Lovech
27 - 21
01/12 A Rhg Chardafon Gab..
29 - 26
30/11 A Rhg Lokomotiv Gorna
43 - 21
16/11 A Rhg Spartak Varna
29 - 19
27/10 A Rhg Hk Levski
35 - 22
12/10 A Rhg Osam Lovech
39 - 29
08/05 A Rhg Spartak Varna
18 - 22
16/04 A Rhg Lokomotiv Gorna
24 - 22
19/03 A Rhg Lokomotiv Gorna
30 - 20
Tables Lokomotiv Gorna Pirin
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 8 4 4 8 3 5
Won 8 4 4 1 1 0
Lost 0 0 0 7 2 5
Average Goals For 31.12 32.5 29.75 24.5 26.33 23.4
Average Goals Against 23.75 23.5 24 34.38 33.33 35
Form Statistics are displayed and calculated based on the last 8 games played by each team.

Team Statistics

Lokomotiv Gorna Pirin
A RHG, Bulgaria Total Home Away
Matches Played 9 4 5
Won 8 4 4
Draw 0 0 0
Lost 1 0 1
Goals For 282 130 152
Goals Against 221 94 127
Points 16 8 8
A RHG, Bulgaria Total Home Away
Matches Played 9 4 5
Won 1 1 0
Draw 0 0 0
Lost 8 3 5
Goals For 220 103 117
Goals Against 307 132 175
Points 2 2 0