

La Rioja vs Villa de Aranda

H2H statistics for La Rioja vs Villa de Aranda: one-on-one comparison including the previous matches of the two handball teams, team results from previous meetings for both home and away games, comparison of team stats and results in their individual leagues, or top scorers and disciplinary actions for players in each team. View below the full statistics and data for the La Rioja vs Villa de Aranda Head-to-Head comparison.

La Rioja vs Villa de Aranda H2H Results

⚽ Matches
Tables La Rioja Villa de Aranda
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 1 0 1 1 1 0
Won 0 0 0 1 1 0
Lost 1 0 1 0 0 0
Average Goals For 27 0 27 32 32 0
Average Goals Against 32 0 32 27 27 0

Form Statistics

La Rioja Villa de Aranda
07/12 Liga Asobal Barcelona H
28 - 38
30/11 Liga Asobal Villa De Aranda A
32 - 27
24/11 Liga Asobal Puente Genil H
33 - 34
16/11 Liga Asobal Cuenca A
35 - 31
01/11 Liga Asobal Atl. Valladolid A
40 - 40
26/10 Liga Asobal Anaitasuna H
32 - 28
20/10 Liga Asobal Benidorm A
29 - 30
12/10 Liga Asobal Granollers H
38 - 42
07/12 Liga Asobal Barcelona
28 - 38
24/11 Liga Asobal Puente Genil
33 - 34
26/10 Liga Asobal Anaitasuna
32 - 28
12/10 Liga Asobal Granollers
38 - 42
28/09 Liga Asobal Nava
30 - 31
13/09 Liga Asobal Torrelavega
26 - 28
01/06 Copa Del Rey Torrelavega
28 - 29
31/05 Copa Del Rey Granollers
34 - 28
30/11 Liga Asobal Villa De Aranda
32 - 27
16/11 Liga Asobal Cuenca
35 - 31
01/11 Liga Asobal Atl. Valladolid
40 - 40
20/10 Liga Asobal Benidorm
29 - 30
06/10 Liga Asobal Quabit Guadal..
22 - 32
22/09 Liga Asobal Morrazo Cangas
29 - 30
25/05 Liga Asobal Ademar
33 - 33
05/05 Liga Asobal Granollers
30 - 28
07/12 Liga Asobal Puente Genil A
31 - 28
30/11 Liga Asobal La Rioja H
32 - 27
27/11 Liga Asobal Benidorm A
32 - 24
24/11 Liga Asobal Atl. Valladolid A
37 - 26
17/11 Liga Asobal Anaitasuna H
27 - 26
25/10 Liga Asobal Granollers H
31 - 36
19/10 Liga Asobal Quabit Guadal.. A
34 - 35
13/10 Liga Asobal Nava H
31 - 34
30/11 Liga Asobal La Rioja
32 - 27
17/11 Liga Asobal Anaitasuna
27 - 26
25/10 Liga Asobal Granollers
31 - 36
13/10 Liga Asobal Nava
31 - 34
29/09 Liga Asobal Torrelavega
31 - 36
15/09 Liga Asobal Cd Bidasoa Irun
26 - 26
18/05 Division De Hon.. Eivissa
20 - 20
27/04 Division De Hon.. Ciudad Real
28 - 21
07/12 Liga Asobal Puente Genil
31 - 28
27/11 Liga Asobal Benidorm
32 - 24
24/11 Liga Asobal Atl. Valladolid
37 - 26
19/10 Liga Asobal Quabit Guadal..
34 - 35
06/10 Liga Asobal Morrazo Cangas
27 - 24
22/09 Liga Asobal Ademar
30 - 25
26/05 Division De Hon.. Burgos
22 - 25
04/05 Division De Hon.. Alcobendas
29 - 34
Tables La Rioja Villa de Aranda
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 8 4 4 8 4 4
Won 3 1 2 3 2 1
Lost 5 3 2 5 2 3
Average Goals For 32.38 32.75 32 29.25 30.25 28.25
Average Goals Against 34.75 35.5 34 32.12 30.75 33.5
Form Statistics are displayed and calculated based on the last 8 games played by each team.

Team Statistics

La Rioja Villa de Aranda
Liga ASOBAL, Spain Total Home Away
Matches Played 12 6 6
Won 4 1 3
Draw 0 0 0
Lost 8 5 3
Goals For 377 187 190
Goals Against 388 201 187
Points 8 2 6
Liga ASOBAL, Spain Total Home Away
Matches Played 12 6 6
Won 3 2 1
Draw 0 0 0
Lost 9 4 5
Goals For 340 178 162
Goals Against 376 185 191
Points 6 4 2