

KS Poznan W vs Sambor Tczew W

H2H statistics for KS Poznan W vs Sambor Tczew W: one-on-one comparison including the previous matches of the two handball teams, team results from previous meetings for both home and away games, comparison of team stats and results in their individual leagues, or top scorers and disciplinary actions for players in each team. View below the full statistics and data for the KS Poznan W vs Sambor Tczew W Head-to-Head comparison.

KS Poznan W vs Sambor Tczew W H2H Results

⚽ Matches
Tables KS Poznan W Sambor Tczew W
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 1 1 0 1 0 1
Won 0 0 0 1 0 1
Lost 1 1 0 0 0 0
Average Goals For 20 20 0 33 0 33
Average Goals Against 33 33 0 20 0 20

Form Statistics

KS Poznan W Sambor Tczew W
07/12 I Liga Women Sms Zprp Ploc.. A
26 - 24
30/11 I Liga Women Sambor Tczew W H
20 - 33
23/11 I Liga Women Fahrenheit Gd.. H
29 - 25
10/11 I Liga Women Koszalin W A
24 - 23
03/11 I Liga Women Jutrzenka Plo.. H
21 - 27
27/10 I Liga Women Bukowsko Dopi.. A
29 - 19
20/10 I Liga Women Kwidzyn W H
24 - 21
12/10 I Liga Women Gniezno Ii W A
31 - 21
30/11 I Liga Women Sambor Tczew W
20 - 33
23/11 I Liga Women Fahrenheit Gd..
29 - 25
03/11 I Liga Women Jutrzenka Plo..
21 - 27
20/10 I Liga Women Kwidzyn W
24 - 21
23/04 I Liga Women Kalisz W
19 - 25
06/04 I Liga Women Kwidzyn W
17 - 26
09/03 I Liga Women Sms Zprp Ploc..
26 - 25
17/02 I Liga Women Jutrzenka Plo..
31 - 17
07/12 I Liga Women Sms Zprp Ploc..
26 - 24
10/11 I Liga Women Koszalin W
24 - 23
27/10 I Liga Women Bukowsko Dopi..
29 - 19
12/10 I Liga Women Gniezno Ii W
31 - 21
27/04 I Liga Women Sms Zprp Ploc..
34 - 14
13/04 I Liga Women Koscierzyna W
30 - 15
23/03 I Liga Women Gniezno Ii W
34 - 18
24/02 I Liga Women Bukowsko Dopi..
20 - 23
30/11 I Liga Women Ks Poznan W A
20 - 33
09/11 I Liga Women Jutrzenka Plo.. A
22 - 29
02/11 I Liga Women Bukowsko Dopi.. H
39 - 27
27/10 I Liga Women Kwidzyn W A
20 - 40
19/10 I Liga Women Gniezno Ii W H
38 - 22
06/05 I Liga Women Azs Poznan W H
25 - 34
29/04 I Liga Women Jutrzenka Plo.. A
40 - 25
13/04 I Liga Women Brodnica W H
39 - 30
02/11 I Liga Women Bukowsko Dopi..
39 - 27
19/10 I Liga Women Gniezno Ii W
38 - 22
06/05 I Liga Women Azs Poznan W
25 - 34
13/04 I Liga Women Brodnica W
39 - 30
25/03 I Liga Women Koscierzyna W
32 - 24
11/03 I Liga Women Kwidzyn W
24 - 12
04/02 I Liga Women Bukowsko Dopi..
28 - 27
03/12 I Liga Women Jutrzenka Plo..
19 - 27
30/11 I Liga Women Ks Poznan W
20 - 33
09/11 I Liga Women Jutrzenka Plo..
22 - 29
27/10 I Liga Women Kwidzyn W
20 - 40
29/04 I Liga Women Jutrzenka Plo..
40 - 25
01/04 I Liga Women Arka Gdynia W
30 - 32
19/03 I Liga Women Pogon Szczeci..
26 - 30
21/01 I Liga Women Sms Zprp Ploc..
23 - 32
10/12 I Liga Women Azs Poznan W
30 - 29
Tables KS Poznan W Sambor Tczew W
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 8 4 4 8 4 4
Won 2 2 0 6 3 3
Lost 6 2 4 2 1 1
Average Goals For 22.62 23.5 21.75 33.5 35.25 31.75
Average Goals Against 27 26.5 27.5 26.88 28.25 25.5
Form Statistics are displayed and calculated based on the last 8 games played by each team.

Team Statistics

KS Poznan W Sambor Tczew W
I Liga Women, Poland Total Home Away
Rank 8
Matches Played 8 4 4
Won 2 2 0
Draw 0 0 0
Lost 6 2 4
Goals For 181 94 87
Goals Against 216 106 110
Points 4 4 0
I Liga Women, Poland Total Home Away
Rank 2
Matches Played 5 2 3
Won 5 2 3
Draw 0 0 0
Lost 0 0 0
Goals For 179 77 102
Goals Against 111 49 62
Points 10 4 6