

Konya vs Mihaliccik

H2H statistics for Konya vs Mihaliccik: one-on-one comparison including the previous matches of the two handball teams, team results from previous meetings for both home and away games, comparison of team stats and results in their individual leagues, or top scorers and disciplinary actions for players in each team. View below the full statistics and data for the Konya vs Mihaliccik Head-to-Head comparison.

Konya vs Mihaliccik H2H Results

⚽ Matches
Tables Konya Mihaliccik
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 2 1 1 2 1 1
Won 1 1 0 1 1 0
Lost 1 0 1 1 0 1
Average Goals For 30 35 25 32 29 35
Average Goals Against 32 35 29 30 25 35

Form Statistics

Konya Mihaliccik
03/12 Superlig Besiktas H
22 - 47
30/11 Superlig Mihaliccik H
35 - 35
18/11 Superlig Trabzon A
39 - 39
27/10 Superlig Guneysu H
37 - 37
20/10 Superlig Spor Toto A
40 - 24
14/10 Superlig Koycegiz Bele.. H
31 - 30
05/10 Superlig Izmir Bb A
28 - 29
29/09 Superlig Beykoz Bld. A
40 - 30
03/12 Superlig Besiktas
22 - 47
30/11 Superlig Mihaliccik
35 - 35
27/10 Superlig Guneysu
37 - 37
14/10 Superlig Koycegiz Bele..
31 - 30
22/09 Superlig Bursa Nilufer..
29 - 44
08/09 Superlig Rize Genclik
34 - 30
08/04 Superlig Rize Genclik
31 - 24
23/03 Superlig Spor Toto
31 - 41
18/11 Superlig Trabzon
39 - 39
20/10 Superlig Spor Toto
40 - 24
05/10 Superlig Izmir Bb
28 - 29
29/09 Superlig Beykoz Bld.
40 - 30
16/09 Superlig Depsas
40 - 33
31/08 Superlig Mihaliccik
29 - 25
21/05 Superlig Izmir Bb
38 - 29
19/05 Superlig Izmir Bb
37 - 32
06/12 Superlig Koycegiz Bele.. H
24 - 31
30/11 Superlig Konya A
35 - 35
23/11 Superlig Beykoz Bld. A
42 - 38
17/11 Superlig Bursa Nilufer.. H
27 - 33
28/10 Superlig Depsas A
36 - 21
20/10 Superlig Rize Genclik H
28 - 28
15/10 Superlig Izmir Bb H
35 - 31
04/10 Superlig Besiktas A
53 - 23
06/12 Superlig Koycegiz Bele..
24 - 31
17/11 Superlig Bursa Nilufer..
27 - 33
20/10 Superlig Rize Genclik
28 - 28
15/10 Superlig Izmir Bb
35 - 31
29/09 Superlig Trabzon
30 - 37
15/09 Superlig Spor Toto
31 - 31
31/08 Superlig Konya
29 - 25
30/11 Superlig Konya
35 - 35
23/11 Superlig Beykoz Bld.
42 - 38
28/10 Superlig Depsas
36 - 21
04/10 Superlig Besiktas
53 - 23
22/09 Superlig Guneysu
32 - 29
08/09 Superlig Koycegiz Bele..
27 - 34
Tables Konya Mihaliccik
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 8 4 4 8 4 4
Won 5 3 2 3 2 1
Lost 3 1 2 5 2 3
Average Goals For 30.88 31.25 30.5 28.88 28.5 29.25
Average Goals Against 37 37.25 36.75 36.12 30.75 41.5
Form Statistics are displayed and calculated based on the last 8 games played by each team.

Team Statistics

Konya Mihaliccik
Superlig, Turkey Total Home Away
Rank 10
Matches Played 12 6 6
Won 3 2 1
Draw 0 0 0
Lost 9 4 5
Goals For 368 188 180
Goals Against 439 223 216
Points 6 4 2
Superlig, Turkey Total Home Away
Rank 11
Matches Played 13 7 6
Won 3 2 1
Draw 0 0 0
Lost 10 5 5
Goals For 384 204 180
Goals Against 441 216 225
Points 6 4 2