

HK-72 Sande vs Sandefjord TIF

H2H statistics for HK-72 Sande vs Sandefjord TIF: one-on-one comparison including the previous matches of the two handball teams, team results from previous meetings for both home and away games, comparison of team stats and results in their individual leagues, or top scorers and disciplinary actions for players in each team. View below the full statistics and data for the HK-72 Sande vs Sandefjord TIF Head-to-Head comparison.

HK-72 Sande vs Sandefjord TIF H2H Results

⚽ Matches
Tables HK-72 Sande Sandefjord TIF
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 1 0 1 1 1 0
Won 0 0 0 1 1 0
Lost 1 0 1 0 0 0
Average Goals For 23 0 23 47 47 0
Average Goals Against 47 0 47 23 23 0

Form Statistics

HK-72 Sande Sandefjord TIF
01/10 1. Division Sandefjord Tif A
47 - 23
28/09 1. Division Falk H
29 - 28
08/09 1. Division Viking Tif A
48 - 19
01/09 1. Division Ryger Stavanger H
19 - 31
28/09 1. Division Falk
29 - 28
01/09 1. Division Ryger Stavanger
19 - 31
01/10 1. Division Sandefjord Tif
47 - 23
08/09 1. Division Viking Tif
48 - 19
01/10 1. Division Hk-72 Sande H
47 - 23
22/09 1. Division Bodo A
38 - 34
13/09 1. Division Grenland A
25 - 27
08/09 1. Division Melhus A
20 - 25
31/08 1. Division Falk H
36 - 29
27/08 Nm Cup Runar H
25 - 36
26/04 Rema 1000-Ligaen Fjellhammer H
28 - 33
23/04 Rema 1000-Ligaen Fjellhammer A
22 - 28
01/10 1. Division Hk-72 Sande
47 - 23
31/08 1. Division Falk
36 - 29
27/08 Nm Cup Runar
25 - 36
26/04 Rema 1000-Ligaen Fjellhammer
28 - 33
07/04 1. Division Follo
23 - 23
03/04 1. Division Ryger Stavanger
34 - 31
06/03 1. Division Bodo
31 - 28
11/02 1. Division Grenland
27 - 27
22/09 1. Division Bodo
38 - 34
13/09 1. Division Grenland
25 - 27
08/09 1. Division Melhus
20 - 25
23/04 Rema 1000-Ligaen Fjellhammer
22 - 28
13/04 1. Division Notteroy
31 - 29
23/03 1. Division Falk
25 - 26
10/03 1. Division Charlottenlund
23 - 30
22/02 1. Division Bergsoy
24 - 38
Tables HK-72 Sande Sandefjord TIF
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 4 2 2 8 4 4
Won 1 1 0 5 2 3
Lost 3 1 2 3 2 1
Average Goals For 22.5 24 21 31.25 34 28.5
Average Goals Against 38.5 29.5 47.5 28.25 30.25 26.25
Form Statistics are displayed and calculated based on the last 8 games played by each team.

Team Statistics

HK-72 Sande Sandefjord TIF
1. Division, Norway Total Home Away
Rank 12
Matches Played 4 2 2
Won 1 1 0
Draw 0 0 0
Lost 3 1 2
Goals For 90 48 42
Goals Against 154 59 95
Points 2 2 0
1. Division, Norway Total Home Away
Rank 3
Matches Played 5 2 3
Won 4 2 2
Draw 0 0 0
Lost 1 0 1
Goals For 169 83 86
Goals Against 135 52 83
Points 8 4 4