

Gorenje vs Slovan

H2H statistics for Gorenje vs Slovan: one-on-one comparison including the previous matches of the two handball teams, team results from previous meetings for both home and away games, comparison of team stats and results in their individual leagues, or top scorers and disciplinary actions for players in each team. View below the full statistics and data for the Gorenje vs Slovan Head-to-Head comparison.

Gorenje vs Slovan H2H Results

⚽ Matches
Tables Gorenje Slovan
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 8 4 4 8 4 4
Won 7 4 3 1 1 0
Lost 1 0 1 7 3 4
Average Goals For 30.62 30.75 30.5 27.75 27.75 27.75
Average Goals Against 27.75 27.75 27.75 30.62 30.5 30.75

Form Statistics

Gorenje Slovan
07/12 1. Nlb Liga Krka H
28 - 31
30/11 1. Nlb Liga Slovan A
33 - 28
23/11 1. Nlb Liga Loka H
25 - 28
19/11 Ehf European Le.. Gog A
31 - 21
16/11 1. Nlb Liga Slovenj Gradec A
25 - 32
12/11 1. Nlb Liga Jeruzalem Ormoz H
30 - 24
02/11 1. Nlb Liga Ribnica H
35 - 24
26/10 1. Nlb Liga Ivancna Gorica A
24 - 28
07/12 1. Nlb Liga Krka
28 - 31
23/11 1. Nlb Liga Loka
25 - 28
12/11 1. Nlb Liga Jeruzalem Ormoz
30 - 24
02/11 1. Nlb Liga Ribnica
35 - 24
08/10 Ehf European Le.. Gog
35 - 35
05/10 1. Nlb Liga Krsko
34 - 25
27/09 1. Nlb Liga Trimo Trebnje
23 - 28
15/09 1. Nlb Liga Slovan
28 - 27
30/11 1. Nlb Liga Slovan
33 - 28
19/11 Ehf European Le.. Gog
31 - 21
16/11 1. Nlb Liga Slovenj Gradec
25 - 32
26/10 1. Nlb Liga Ivancna Gorica
24 - 28
12/10 1. Nlb Liga Koper
24 - 25
02/10 1. Nlb Liga Celje
29 - 27
21/09 1. Nlb Liga Krka
28 - 30
07/09 1. Nlb Liga Loka
26 - 26
07/12 1. Nlb Liga Trimo Trebnje A
34 - 24
30/11 1. Nlb Liga Gorenje H
33 - 28
22/11 1. Nlb Liga Slovenj Gradec H
24 - 23
15/11 1. Nlb Liga Ivancna Gorica H
29 - 27
31/10 1. Nlb Liga Koper A
25 - 36
23/10 1. Nlb Liga Celje H
23 - 23
15/10 1. Nlb Liga Krka A
26 - 29
11/10 1. Nlb Liga Loka H
26 - 24
30/11 1. Nlb Liga Gorenje
33 - 28
22/11 1. Nlb Liga Slovenj Gradec
24 - 23
15/11 1. Nlb Liga Ivancna Gorica
29 - 27
23/10 1. Nlb Liga Celje
23 - 23
11/10 1. Nlb Liga Loka
26 - 24
02/10 1. Nlb Liga Jeruzalem Ormoz
35 - 26
20/09 1. Nlb Liga Trimo Trebnje
30 - 29
17/05 1. Nlb Liga Gorenje
25 - 28
07/12 1. Nlb Liga Trimo Trebnje
34 - 24
31/10 1. Nlb Liga Koper
25 - 36
15/10 1. Nlb Liga Krka
26 - 29
05/10 1. Nlb Liga Ribnica
28 - 32
27/09 1. Nlb Liga Krsko
23 - 33
15/09 1. Nlb Liga Gorenje
28 - 27
06/09 1. Nlb Liga Slovenj Gradec
24 - 27
25/05 1. Nlb Liga Dobova
26 - 32
Tables Gorenje Slovan
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 8 4 4 8 5 3
Won 4 2 2 7 5 2
Lost 4 2 2 1 0 1
Average Goals For 28.38 29.5 27.25 28 27 29.67
Average Goals Against 27.5 26.75 28.25 26.25 25 28.33
Form Statistics are displayed and calculated based on the last 8 games played by each team.

Team Statistics

Gorenje Slovan
1. NLB Liga, Slovenia Total Home Away
Rank 3
Matches Played 14 7 7
Won 8 4 4
Draw 0 0 0
Lost 6 3 3
Goals For 399 203 196
Goals Against 376 187 189
Points 16 8 8
1. NLB Liga, Slovenia Total Home Away
Rank 4
Matches Played 14 7 7
Won 11 6 5
Draw 0 0 0
Lost 3 1 2
Goals For 408 200 208
Goals Against 368 180 188
Points 22 12 10