
Fuchse Berlin vs Kadetten Schaffhausen

H2H statistics for Fuchse Berlin vs Kadetten Schaffhausen: one-on-one comparison including the previous matches of the two handball teams, team results from previous meetings for both home and away games, comparison of team stats and results in their individual leagues, or top scorers and disciplinary actions for players in each team. View below the full statistics and data for the Fuchse Berlin vs Kadetten Schaffhausen Head-to-Head comparison.

Fuchse Berlin vs Kadetten Schaffhausen H2H Results

⚽ Matches
Tables Fuchse Berlin Kadetten Schaffhausen
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 4 2 2 4 2 2
Won 3 2 1 1 1 0
Lost 1 0 1 3 1 2
Average Goals For 32.25 32 32.5 29.25 32.5 26
Average Goals Against 29.25 26 32.5 32.25 32.5 32

Form Statistics

Fuchse Berlin Kadetten Schaffhausen
13/02 Champions League Fredericia H
36 - 29
09/02 Bundesliga Potsdam H
36 - 19
26/12 Bundesliga Gummersbach A
22 - 29
22/12 Bundesliga Goppingen H
35 - 23
16/12 Bundesliga Flensburg-H. A
38 - 37
12/12 Bundesliga Lemgo H
33 - 21
08/12 Bundesliga Sc Magdeburg H
31 - 31
05/12 Champions League Sporting H
33 - 32
13/02 Champions League Fredericia
36 - 29
09/02 Bundesliga Potsdam
36 - 19
22/12 Bundesliga Goppingen
35 - 23
12/12 Bundesliga Lemgo
33 - 21
08/12 Bundesliga Sc Magdeburg
31 - 31
05/12 Champions League Sporting
33 - 32
24/11 Bundesliga Stuttgart
33 - 29
21/11 Champions League Din. Bucuresti
38 - 29
26/12 Bundesliga Gummersbach
22 - 29
16/12 Bundesliga Flensburg-H.
38 - 37
01/12 Bundesliga Potsdam
26 - 36
28/11 Champions League Psg
34 - 37
18/11 Bundesliga Hamburg
29 - 29
14/11 Dhb Pokal Rhein-Neckar
30 - 29
31/10 Champions League Din. Bucuresti
38 - 31
27/10 Bundesliga Bietigheim-Me..
24 - 38
08/02 Schweizer Cup Hc Kriens A
28 - 25
05/02 Nla Bern H
33 - 26
19/12 Schweizer Cup Kusnacht A
24 - 36
18/12 Nla Wacker Thun A
31 - 40
15/12 Nla Suhr Aarau A
29 - 31
11/12 Nla Pfadi Wintert.. H
30 - 23
08/12 Nla Kreuzlingen H
35 - 25
04/12 Nla Hc Kriens A
34 - 34
05/02 Nla Bern
33 - 26
11/12 Nla Pfadi Wintert..
30 - 23
08/12 Nla Kreuzlingen
35 - 25
26/11 Ehf European Le.. Presov
39 - 26
23/11 Nla Rtv Basel
41 - 27
01/11 Nla Zurich
30 - 20
12/10 Nla Wacker Thun
36 - 29
08/10 Ehf European Le.. Benfica
25 - 26
08/02 Schweizer Cup Hc Kriens
28 - 25
19/12 Schweizer Cup Kusnacht
24 - 36
18/12 Nla Wacker Thun
31 - 40
15/12 Nla Suhr Aarau
29 - 31
04/12 Nla Hc Kriens
34 - 34
19/11 Ehf European Le.. Benfica
39 - 32
16/11 Schweizer Cup Rtv Basel
26 - 41
14/11 Nla Bern
37 - 39
Tables Fuchse Berlin Kadetten Schaffhausen
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 8 6 2 8 3 5
Won 7 6 1 7 3 4
Lost 1 0 1 1 0 1
Average Goals For 33.75 34 33 33 32.67 33.2
Average Goals Against 26.88 25.83 30 27.5 24.67 29.2
Form Statistics are displayed and calculated based on the last 8 games played by each team.

Team Statistics

Fuchse Berlin Kadetten Schaffhausen
Bundesliga, Germany Total Home Away
Rank 3
Matches Played 18 9 9
Won 13 8 5
Draw 0 0 0
Lost 5 1 4
Goals For 614 304 310
Goals Against 505 235 270
Points 26 16 10
NLA, Switzerland Total Home Away
Rank 9
Matches Played 20 10 10
Won 18 9 9
Draw 0 0 0
Lost 2 1 1
Goals For 689 356 333
Goals Against 564 277 287
Points 36 18 18