

Diomidis Argous vs Kilkis

H2H statistics for Diomidis Argous vs Kilkis: one-on-one comparison including the previous matches of the two handball teams, team results from previous meetings for both home and away games, comparison of team stats and results in their individual leagues, or top scorers and disciplinary actions for players in each team. View below the full statistics and data for the Diomidis Argous vs Kilkis Head-to-Head comparison.

Diomidis Argous vs Kilkis H2H Results

⚽ Matches
Tables Diomidis Argous Kilkis
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 3 2 1 3 1 2
Won 3 2 1 0 0 0
Lost 0 0 0 3 1 2
Average Goals For 32 34.5 27 24.67 27 23.5
Average Goals Against 24.67 23.5 27 32 27 34.5

Form Statistics

Diomidis Argous Kilkis
07/12 A1 Xanth H
29 - 24
02/12 A1 Kilkis H
40 - 30
20/11 A1 Paok A
25 - 28
16/11 A1 Ionikos H
29 - 26
30/10 A1 Drama A
30 - 26
15/10 A1 Pylaias H
23 - 20
13/10 A1 A.S.E. Douka A
25 - 30
05/10 A1 Aek Athens H
24 - 25
07/12 A1 Xanth
29 - 24
02/12 A1 Kilkis
40 - 30
16/11 A1 Ionikos
29 - 26
15/10 A1 Pylaias
23 - 20
05/10 A1 Aek Athens
24 - 25
25/09 A1 Zafeirakis
27 - 23
30/03 A1 Paok
30 - 27
23/03 A1 A.S.E. Douka
26 - 21
20/11 A1 Paok
25 - 28
30/10 A1 Drama
30 - 26
13/10 A1 A.S.E. Douka
25 - 30
28/09 A1 Olympiacos Sfp
33 - 29
13/04 A1 Drama
24 - 21
03/04 A1 Olympiacos Sfp
33 - 26
17/02 A1 Ionikos
14 - 21
04/02 A1 Aek Athens
30 - 24
08/12 A1 A.S.E. Douka H
30 - 23
02/12 A1 Diomidis Argous A
40 - 30
23/11 A1 Aek Athens H
24 - 38
16/11 A1 Paok A
27 - 24
30/10 A1 Olympiacos Sfp H
27 - 42
19/10 A1 Ionikos A
35 - 27
12/10 A1 Zafeirakis H
22 - 22
05/10 A1 Drama A
30 - 27
08/12 A1 A.S.E. Douka
30 - 23
23/11 A1 Aek Athens
24 - 38
30/10 A1 Olympiacos Sfp
27 - 42
12/10 A1 Zafeirakis
22 - 22
28/09 A1 Vrilissia
27 - 27
13/04 A1 Pylaias
28 - 29
27/03 A1 Panellinios
27 - 22
09/03 A1 Zafeirakis
21 - 20
02/12 A1 Diomidis Argous
40 - 30
16/11 A1 Paok
27 - 24
19/10 A1 Ionikos
35 - 27
05/10 A1 Drama
30 - 27
21/09 A1 Pylaias
22 - 34
30/03 A1 Aeropos Edessas
23 - 28
23/03 A1 Ionikos
24 - 24
03/03 A1 Aek Athens
32 - 16
Tables Diomidis Argous Kilkis
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 8 5 3 8 4 4
Won 6 4 2 2 2 0
Lost 2 1 1 6 2 4
Average Goals For 28.62 29 28 26.38 25.75 27
Average Goals Against 25.62 25 26.67 32.12 31.25 33
Form Statistics are displayed and calculated based on the last 8 games played by each team.

Team Statistics

Diomidis Argous Kilkis
A1, Greece Total Home Away
Rank 6
Matches Played 10 6 4
Won 7 5 2
Draw 0 0 0
Lost 3 1 2
Goals For 285 172 113
Goals Against 261 148 113
Points 14 10 4
A1, Greece Total Home Away
Rank 7
Matches Played 10 5 5
Won 2 1 1
Draw 0 0 0
Lost 8 4 4
Goals For 272 130 142
Goals Against 306 152 154
Points 4 2 2