

Cherbourg vs Limoges

H2H statistics for Cherbourg vs Limoges: one-on-one comparison including the previous matches of the two handball teams, team results from previous meetings for both home and away games, comparison of team stats and results in their individual leagues, or top scorers and disciplinary actions for players in each team. View below the full statistics and data for the Cherbourg vs Limoges Head-to-Head comparison.

Cherbourg vs Limoges H2H Results

⚽ Matches
Tables Cherbourg Limoges
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 1 1 0 1 0 1
Won 0 0 0 1 0 1
Lost 1 1 0 0 0 0
Average Goals For 28 28 0 35 0 35
Average Goals Against 35 35 0 28 0 28

Form Statistics

Cherbourg Limoges
04/10 Proligue Angers A
27 - 27
01/10 Coupe De France Limoges H
28 - 35
27/09 Proligue Massy Essonne H
25 - 24
20/09 Proligue Selestat A
25 - 20
13/09 Proligue Frontignan H
35 - 39
06/09 Proligue Pontault A
27 - 29
24/05 Proligue Selestat A
32 - 29
21/05 Proligue Selestat H
26 - 30
01/10 Coupe De France Limoges
28 - 35
27/09 Proligue Massy Essonne
25 - 24
13/09 Proligue Frontignan
35 - 39
21/05 Proligue Selestat
26 - 30
17/05 Proligue Frontignan
29 - 29
26/04 Proligue Valence
31 - 30
12/04 Proligue Billere
29 - 27
22/03 Proligue Istres
23 - 27
04/10 Proligue Angers
27 - 27
20/09 Proligue Selestat
25 - 20
06/09 Proligue Pontault
27 - 29
24/05 Proligue Selestat
32 - 29
03/05 Proligue Massy Essonne
30 - 34
19/04 Proligue Sarrebourg
25 - 32
09/04 Proligue Pontault
25 - 30
29/03 Proligue Besancon
24 - 22
04/10 Starligue Istres A
29 - 36
01/10 Coupe De France Cherbourg A
28 - 35
28/09 Starligue Toulouse H
28 - 29
21/09 Starligue Montpellier A
32 - 26
15/09 Starligue Psg H
29 - 30
11/09 Starligue Dunkerque H
37 - 34
07/09 Ehf European Le.. Trimo Trebnje H
35 - 24
31/08 Ehf European Le.. Trimo Trebnje A
32 - 28
28/09 Starligue Toulouse
28 - 29
15/09 Starligue Psg
29 - 30
11/09 Starligue Dunkerque
37 - 34
07/09 Ehf European Le.. Trimo Trebnje
35 - 24
31/05 Starligue Dijon
37 - 29
17/05 Starligue Dunkerque
32 - 32
26/04 Starligue Nantes
28 - 33
12/04 Starligue Saran
33 - 26
04/10 Starligue Istres
29 - 36
01/10 Coupe De France Cherbourg
28 - 35
21/09 Starligue Montpellier
32 - 26
31/08 Ehf European Le.. Trimo Trebnje
32 - 28
26/05 Starligue Nimes
34 - 37
02/05 Starligue Creteil
32 - 32
18/04 Starligue Ivry
27 - 28
05/04 Starligue Chartres
32 - 40
Tables Cherbourg Limoges
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 8 4 4 8 4 4
Won 3 1 2 4 2 2
Lost 5 3 2 4 2 2
Average Goals For 27.38 28.5 26.25 31.75 32.25 31.25
Average Goals Against 29.88 32 27.75 29.75 29.25 30.25
Form Statistics are displayed and calculated based on the last 8 games played by each team.

Team Statistics

Cherbourg Limoges
Proligue, France Total Home Away
Rank 11
Matches Played 5 2 3
Won 2 1 1
Draw 0 0 0
Lost 3 1 2
Goals For 136 60 76
Goals Against 142 63 79
Points 4 2 2
Starligue, France Total Home Away
Rank 15
Matches Played 5 3 2
Won 2 1 1
Draw 0 0 0
Lost 3 2 1
Goals For 156 94 62
Goals Against 154 93 61
Points 4 2 2