

Bydgoszcz vs Jeziorak

H2H statistics for Bydgoszcz vs Jeziorak: one-on-one comparison including the previous matches of the two handball teams, team results from previous meetings for both home and away games, comparison of team stats and results in their individual leagues, or top scorers and disciplinary actions for players in each team. View below the full statistics and data for the Bydgoszcz vs Jeziorak Head-to-Head comparison.

Bydgoszcz vs Jeziorak H2H Results

⚽ Matches
Tables Bydgoszcz Jeziorak
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 3 1 2 3 2 1
Won 0 0 0 3 2 1
Lost 3 1 2 0 0 0
Average Goals For 32.33 36 30.5 41 40 43
Average Goals Against 41 43 40 32.33 30.5 36

Form Statistics

Bydgoszcz Jeziorak
05/12 I Liga Olsztyn H
21 - 39
03/12 I Liga Jeziorak A
43 - 28
24/11 I Liga Usar Kwidzyn H
40 - 28
16/11 I Liga Oborniki A
38 - 35
26/10 I Liga Sambor Tczew A
31 - 28
19/10 I Liga Wejherowo H
27 - 28
12/10 I Liga Szczypiorniak.. A
27 - 26
05/10 I Liga Gryfino H
28 - 30
05/12 I Liga Olsztyn
21 - 39
24/11 I Liga Usar Kwidzyn
40 - 28
19/10 I Liga Wejherowo
27 - 28
05/10 I Liga Gryfino
28 - 30
21/09 I Liga Sms Zprp Ploc..
23 - 24
11/05 I Liga Gryfino
35 - 42
30/04 I Liga Sms Kwidzyn
27 - 29
20/04 I Liga Sambor Tczew
23 - 30
03/12 I Liga Jeziorak
43 - 28
16/11 I Liga Oborniki
38 - 35
26/10 I Liga Sambor Tczew
31 - 28
12/10 I Liga Szczypiorniak..
27 - 26
29/09 I Liga Grudziadz
30 - 23
14/09 I Liga Morag
33 - 28
18/05 I Liga Jedynka
33 - 24
27/04 I Liga Jeziorak
37 - 33
07/12 I Liga Usar Kwidzyn A
21 - 41
03/12 I Liga Bydgoszcz H
43 - 28
23/11 I Liga Sambor Tczew A
23 - 33
20/11 Polish Cup Wybrzeze Gdansk H
23 - 34
16/11 I Liga Wejherowo H
33 - 28
30/10 Polish Cup Grudziadz H
35 - 29
27/10 I Liga Szczypiorniak.. A
22 - 26
19/10 I Liga Gryfino H
41 - 36
03/12 I Liga Bydgoszcz
43 - 28
20/11 Polish Cup Wybrzeze Gdansk
23 - 34
16/11 I Liga Wejherowo
33 - 28
30/10 Polish Cup Grudziadz
35 - 29
19/10 I Liga Gryfino
41 - 36
05/10 I Liga Sms Zprp Ploc..
35 - 33
24/09 I Liga Sms Kwidzyn
36 - 33
11/05 I Liga Sambor Tczew
30 - 32
07/12 I Liga Usar Kwidzyn
21 - 41
23/11 I Liga Sambor Tczew
23 - 33
27/10 I Liga Szczypiorniak..
22 - 26
13/10 I Liga Grudziadz
22 - 37
28/09 I Liga Morag
30 - 31
14/09 I Liga Wybrzeze Gdan..
31 - 38
04/05 I Liga Szczypiorniak..
26 - 28
20/04 I Liga Gryfino
40 - 45
Tables Bydgoszcz Jeziorak
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 8 4 4 8 5 3
Won 1 1 0 7 4 3
Lost 7 3 4 1 1 0
Average Goals For 29.12 29 29.25 34.38 35 33.33
Average Goals Against 33 31.25 34.75 27.62 31 22
Form Statistics are displayed and calculated based on the last 8 games played by each team.

Team Statistics

Bydgoszcz Jeziorak
I Liga, Poland Total Home Away
Rank 13
Matches Played 11 5 6
Won 1 1 0
Draw 0 0 0
Lost 10 4 6
Goals For 307 139 168
Goals Against 351 149 202
Points 2 2 0
I Liga, Poland Total Home Away
Rank 1
Matches Played 11 5 6
Won 11 5 6
Draw 0 0 0
Lost 0 0 0
Goals For 394 188 206
Goals Against 307 158 149
Points 22 10 12