

Butel Skopje vs Ohrid

H2H statistics for Butel Skopje vs Ohrid: one-on-one comparison including the previous matches of the two handball teams, team results from previous meetings for both home and away games, comparison of team stats and results in their individual leagues, or top scorers and disciplinary actions for players in each team. View below the full statistics and data for the Butel Skopje vs Ohrid Head-to-Head comparison.

Butel Skopje vs Ohrid H2H Results

⚽ Matches
Tables Butel Skopje Ohrid
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 10 5 5 10 5 5
Won 4 3 1 6 4 2
Lost 6 2 4 4 1 3
Average Goals For 24.1 24.8 23.4 25.7 27.4 24
Average Goals Against 25.7 24 27.4 24.1 23.4 24.8

Form Statistics

Butel Skopje Ohrid
07/12 Superleague Alkaloid A
32 - 24
30/11 Superleague Ohrid H
28 - 33
23/11 Superleague Kumanovo A
22 - 29
16/11 Superleague Tinex Prolet .. A
24 - 19
02/11 Superleague Eurofarm Peli.. H
24 - 29
26/10 Superleague Bisinov A
25 - 26
19/10 Superleague Struga H
32 - 26
12/10 Superleague Tikvesh A
23 - 24
30/11 Superleague Ohrid
28 - 33
02/11 Superleague Eurofarm Peli..
24 - 29
19/10 Superleague Struga
32 - 26
06/10 Superleague Prilep
25 - 18
02/10 Superleague Vardar 1961
27 - 30
21/09 Superleague Alkaloid
27 - 34
07/09 Superleague Kumanovo
29 - 12
01/06 Superleague Vardar 1961
25 - 31
07/12 Superleague Alkaloid
32 - 24
23/11 Superleague Kumanovo
22 - 29
16/11 Superleague Tinex Prolet ..
24 - 19
26/10 Superleague Bisinov
25 - 26
12/10 Superleague Tikvesh
23 - 24
29/09 Superleague Radovis
28 - 37
14/09 Superleague Ohrid
26 - 23
24/05 Superleague Alkaloid
27 - 21
07/12 Superleague Prilep H
38 - 28
30/11 Superleague Butel Skopje A
28 - 33
23/11 Superleague Radovis H
43 - 21
16/11 Superleague Alkaloid H
22 - 29
02/11 Superleague Vardar 1961 A
29 - 26
30/10 Superleague Kumanovo A
33 - 39
23/10 Superleague Tinex Prolet .. H
32 - 29
13/10 Superleague Eurofarm Peli.. A
25 - 22
07/12 Superleague Prilep
38 - 28
23/11 Superleague Radovis
43 - 21
16/11 Superleague Alkaloid
22 - 29
23/10 Superleague Tinex Prolet ..
32 - 29
05/10 Superleague Bisinov
35 - 18
28/09 Superleague Tikvesh
40 - 20
14/09 Superleague Butel Skopje
26 - 23
29/05 Superleague Tikvesh
29 - 24
30/11 Superleague Butel Skopje
28 - 33
02/11 Superleague Vardar 1961
29 - 26
30/10 Superleague Kumanovo
33 - 39
13/10 Superleague Eurofarm Peli..
25 - 22
02/10 Superleague Struga
17 - 31
21/09 Superleague Prilep
26 - 30
07/09 Superleague Radovis
18 - 36
25/05 Superleague Vardar 1961
29 - 22
Tables Butel Skopje Ohrid
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 8 3 5 8 4 4
Won 4 1 3 5 3 2
Lost 4 2 2 3 1 2
Average Goals For 25.75 28 24.4 31.88 33.75 30
Average Goals Against 26.75 29.33 25.2 27.75 26.75 28.75
Form Statistics are displayed and calculated based on the last 8 games played by each team.

Team Statistics

Butel Skopje Ohrid
Superleague, North Macedonia Total Home Away
Matches Played 14 7 7
Won 7 3 4
Draw 0 0 0
Lost 7 4 3
Goals For 374 192 182
Goals Against 362 182 180
Points 14 6 8
Superleague, North Macedonia Total Home Away
Matches Played 14 7 7
Won 11 6 5
Draw 0 0 0
Lost 3 1 2
Goals For 453 236 217
Goals Against 344 168 176
Points 22 12 10