

Brno vs Nove Veseli

H2H statistics for Brno vs Nove Veseli: one-on-one comparison including the previous matches of the two handball teams, team results from previous meetings for both home and away games, comparison of team stats and results in their individual leagues, or top scorers and disciplinary actions for players in each team. View below the full statistics and data for the Brno vs Nove Veseli Head-to-Head comparison.

Brno vs Nove Veseli H2H Results

⚽ Matches
Tables Brno Nove Veseli
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 10 6 4 10 4 6
Won 8 5 3 2 1 1
Lost 2 1 1 8 3 5
Average Goals For 28.8 30.17 26.75 25 26 24.33
Average Goals Against 25 24.33 26 28.8 26.75 30.17

Form Statistics

Brno Nove Veseli
04/12 Extraliga Karvina H
24 - 37
30/11 Extraliga Nove Veseli H
29 - 25
23/11 Extraliga Malomerice A
27 - 32
16/11 Extraliga Strakonice A
25 - 27
13/11 Czech Cup Velka Bystrice A
31 - 34
03/11 Extraliga Jicin H
27 - 25
30/10 Extraliga Koprivnice A
27 - 34
12/10 Extraliga Zubri A
32 - 32
04/12 Extraliga Karvina
24 - 37
30/11 Extraliga Nove Veseli
29 - 25
03/11 Extraliga Jicin
27 - 25
08/10 Extraliga Lovosice
29 - 27
02/10 Extraliga Plzen
29 - 37
21/09 Extraliga Dukla Prague
34 - 32
08/09 Extraliga Malomerice
33 - 24
02/03 Extraliga Plzen
22 - 28
23/11 Extraliga Malomerice
27 - 32
16/11 Extraliga Strakonice
25 - 27
13/11 Czech Cup Velka Bystrice
31 - 34
30/10 Extraliga Koprivnice
27 - 34
12/10 Extraliga Zubri
32 - 32
28/09 Extraliga Frydek-Mistek
23 - 31
14/09 Extraliga Nove Veseli
26 - 34
28/02 Extraliga Dukla Prague
35 - 26
30/11 Extraliga Brno A
29 - 25
23/11 Extraliga Zubri H
32 - 29
16/11 Extraliga Lovosice H
29 - 28
13/11 Czech Cup Frydek-Mistek H
32 - 36
03/11 Extraliga Frydek-Mistek A
17 - 23
30/10 Extraliga Dukla Prague H
23 - 26
27/10 Extraliga Plzen A
26 - 17
19/10 Extraliga Malomerice A
28 - 33
23/11 Extraliga Zubri
32 - 29
16/11 Extraliga Lovosice
29 - 28
13/11 Czech Cup Frydek-Mistek
32 - 36
30/10 Extraliga Dukla Prague
23 - 26
12/10 Extraliga Strakonice
29 - 24
28/09 Extraliga Koprivnice
36 - 27
14/09 Extraliga Brno
26 - 34
03/05 Extraliga Malomerice
32 - 27
30/11 Extraliga Brno
29 - 25
03/11 Extraliga Frydek-Mistek
17 - 23
27/10 Extraliga Plzen
26 - 17
19/10 Extraliga Malomerice
28 - 33
09/10 Czech Cup Bystrice Pod ..
25 - 44
05/10 Extraliga Jicin
26 - 25
21/09 Extraliga Karvina
30 - 21
07/09 Extraliga Zubri
32 - 33
Tables Brno Nove Veseli
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 8 3 5 8 4 4
Won 7 2 5 4 2 2
Lost 1 1 0 4 2 2
Average Goals For 29.88 26.67 31.8 26.75 29 24.5
Average Goals Against 28.62 29 28.4 27.38 29.75 25
Form Statistics are displayed and calculated based on the last 8 games played by each team.

Team Statistics

Brno Nove Veseli
Extraliga, Czech Republic Total Home Away
Rank 9
Matches Played 13 7 6
Won 10 5 5
Draw 0 0 0
Lost 3 2 1
Goals For 395 205 190
Goals Against 367 207 160
Points 20 10 10
Extraliga, Czech Republic Total Home Away
Rank 10
Matches Played 13 6 7
Won 7 4 3
Draw 0 0 0
Lost 6 2 4
Goals For 352 175 177
Goals Against 356 168 188
Points 14 8 6