

Borac vs Izvidac

H2H statistics for Borac vs Izvidac: one-on-one comparison including the previous matches of the two handball teams, team results from previous meetings for both home and away games, comparison of team stats and results in their individual leagues, or top scorers and disciplinary actions for players in each team. View below the full statistics and data for the Borac vs Izvidac Head-to-Head comparison.

Borac vs Izvidac H2H Results

⚽ Matches
Tables Borac Izvidac
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 4 2 2 4 2 2
Won 1 1 0 3 2 1
Lost 3 1 2 1 0 1
Average Goals For 25.75 24 27.5 28 31.5 24.5
Average Goals Against 28 24.5 31.5 25.75 27.5 24

Form Statistics

Borac Izvidac
30/11 Premijer Liga Sloboda Tuzla H
27 - 35
23/11 Premijer Liga Konjuh Zivinice A
34 - 29
16/11 Premijer Liga Celik Zenica H
36 - 27
03/11 Premijer Liga Visegrad A
29 - 29
12/10 Premijer Liga Gracanica H
30 - 29
28/09 Premijer Liga Leotar H
33 - 27
15/09 Premijer Liga Gorazde H
24 - 25
04/05 Premijer Liga Hercegovina A
23 - 24
30/11 Premijer Liga Sloboda Tuzla
27 - 35
16/11 Premijer Liga Celik Zenica
36 - 27
12/10 Premijer Liga Gracanica
30 - 29
28/09 Premijer Liga Leotar
33 - 27
15/09 Premijer Liga Gorazde
24 - 25
27/04 Premijer Liga Vogosca
26 - 24
12/04 Premijer Liga Konjuh Zivinic
27 - 25
30/03 Premijer Liga Sloga Doboj
34 - 21
23/11 Premijer Liga Konjuh Zivinice
34 - 29
03/11 Premijer Liga Visegrad
29 - 29
04/05 Premijer Liga Hercegovina
23 - 24
06/04 Premijer Liga Sloboda Tuzla
27 - 28
23/03 Premijer Liga Gorazde
27 - 27
02/03 Premijer Liga Capljina
17 - 34
17/02 Premijer Liga Leotar
32 - 24
10/02 Premijer Liga Krivaja
28 - 29
16/11 Premijer Liga Krivaja A
29 - 33
30/10 Premijer Liga Sloboda Tuzla A
28 - 31
12/10 Premijer Liga Konjuh Zivinice H
30 - 24
29/09 Premijer Liga Celik Zenica A
28 - 33
21/09 Premijer Liga Visegrad H
34 - 30
14/09 Premijer Liga Maglaj A
26 - 33
07/09 Ehf European Le.. Karvina H
32 - 26
01/09 Ehf European Le.. Karvina A
33 - 22
12/10 Premijer Liga Konjuh Zivinice
30 - 24
21/09 Premijer Liga Visegrad
34 - 30
07/09 Ehf European Le.. Karvina
32 - 26
16/05 Premijer Liga Konjuh Zivinic
36 - 36
27/04 Premijer Liga Sloga Doboj
39 - 36
06/04 Premijer Liga Capljina
45 - 23
23/03 Premijer Liga Leotar
31 - 25
21/02 Premijer Liga Vogosca
40 - 27
16/11 Premijer Liga Krivaja
29 - 33
30/10 Premijer Liga Sloboda Tuzla
28 - 31
29/09 Premijer Liga Celik Zenica
28 - 33
14/09 Premijer Liga Maglaj
26 - 33
01/09 Ehf European Le.. Karvina
33 - 22
04/05 Premijer Liga Sloboda Tuzla
29 - 31
19/04 Premijer Liga Gorazde
30 - 40
13/04 Premijer Liga Krivaja
31 - 34
Tables Borac Izvidac
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 8 5 3 8 3 5
Won 5 3 2 7 3 4
Lost 3 2 1 1 0 1
Average Goals For 29 30 27.33 31 32 30.4
Average Goals Against 28.62 28.6 28.67 28 26.67 28.8
Form Statistics are displayed and calculated based on the last 8 games played by each team.

Team Statistics

Borac Izvidac
Premijer Liga, Bosnia and Herzegovina Total Home Away
Rank 3
Matches Played 7 5 2
Won 3 3 0
Draw 0 0 0
Lost 4 2 2
Goals For 208 150 58
Goals Against 206 143 63
Points 6 6 0
Premijer Liga, Bosnia and Herzegovina Total Home Away
Rank 4
Matches Played 6 2 4
Won 6 2 4
Draw 0 0 0
Lost 0 0 0
Goals For 194 64 130
Goals Against 165 54 111
Points 12 4 8