

Biala Podlaska vs GKS Zukowo

H2H statistics for Biala Podlaska vs GKS Zukowo: one-on-one comparison including the previous matches of the two handball teams, team results from previous meetings for both home and away games, comparison of team stats and results in their individual leagues, or top scorers and disciplinary actions for players in each team. View below the full statistics and data for the Biala Podlaska vs GKS Zukowo Head-to-Head comparison.

Biala Podlaska vs GKS Zukowo H2H Results

⚽ Matches
Tables Biala Podlaska GKS Zukowo
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 7 3 4 7 4 3
Won 5 3 2 2 2 0
Lost 2 0 2 5 2 3
Average Goals For 31.86 34.67 29.75 27.14 28 26
Average Goals Against 27.14 26 28 31.86 29.75 34.67

Form Statistics

Biala Podlaska GKS Zukowo
07/12 Central League Zamosc H
30 - 26
30/11 Central League Gks Zukowo A
27 - 26
23/11 Central League Gorzow Wielko.. H
28 - 29
19/11 Polish Cup Legionowo H
21 - 27
16/11 Central League Olimpia Piekary A
28 - 23
02/11 Central League Lodz H
30 - 23
29/10 Central League Gwardia Kosza.. A
30 - 29
25/10 Central League Zprp Kielce A
33 - 29
07/12 Central League Zamosc
30 - 26
23/11 Central League Gorzow Wielko..
28 - 29
19/11 Polish Cup Legionowo
21 - 27
02/11 Central League Lodz
30 - 23
19/10 Central League Legnica
32 - 27
05/10 Central League Grunwald Poznan
31 - 34
28/09 Central League Ciechanow
29 - 31
14/09 Central League Wagrowiec
23 - 24
30/11 Central League Gks Zukowo
27 - 26
16/11 Central League Olimpia Piekary
28 - 23
29/10 Central League Gwardia Kosza..
30 - 29
25/10 Central League Zprp Kielce
33 - 29
20/09 Central League Stal Mielec
25 - 23
04/05 Central League Stal Gorzow
27 - 34
20/04 Central League Stal Mielec
33 - 27
06/04 Central League Gks Zukowo
28 - 32
07/12 Central League Grunwald Poznan A
35 - 36
30/11 Central League Biala Podlaska H
27 - 26
23/11 Central League Stal Mielec A
32 - 29
16/11 Central League Wagrowiec H
29 - 27
09/11 Central League Legnica A
27 - 26
03/11 Central League Szczecin A
31 - 29
27/10 Central League Zamosc H
26 - 36
20/10 Central League Ciechanow A
29 - 26
30/11 Central League Biala Podlaska
27 - 26
16/11 Central League Wagrowiec
29 - 27
27/10 Central League Zamosc
26 - 36
05/10 Central League Olimpia Piekary
25 - 36
22/09 Central League Zprp Kielce
24 - 30
04/05 Central League Slask Wroclaw
37 - 33
20/04 Central League Zaglebie Sosn..
35 - 33
06/04 Central League Biala Podlaska
28 - 32
07/12 Central League Grunwald Poznan
35 - 36
23/11 Central League Stal Mielec
32 - 29
09/11 Central League Legnica
27 - 26
03/11 Central League Szczecin
31 - 29
20/10 Central League Ciechanow
29 - 26
12/10 Central League Gorzow Wielko..
44 - 36
28/09 Central League Lodz
35 - 33
17/05 Central League Ciechanow
39 - 30
Tables Biala Podlaska GKS Zukowo
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 8 4 4 8 3 5
Won 2 2 0 3 2 1
Lost 6 2 4 5 1 4
Average Goals For 27 27.25 26.75 28.5 27.33 29.2
Average Goals Against 27.88 26.25 29.5 30.38 29.67 30.8
Form Statistics are displayed and calculated based on the last 8 games played by each team.

Team Statistics

Biala Podlaska GKS Zukowo
Central League, Poland Total Home Away
Rank 8
Matches Played 12 7 5
Won 3 3 0
Draw 0 0 0
Lost 9 4 5
Goals For 333 203 130
Goals Against 337 194 143
Points 6 6 0
Central League, Poland Total Home Away
Rank 11
Matches Played 12 5 7
Won 3 2 1
Draw 0 0 0
Lost 9 3 6
Goals For 346 131 215
Goals Against 388 155 233
Points 6 4 2