

Holstebro vs Ringsted

H2H statistics for Holstebro vs Ringsted: one-on-one comparison including the previous matches of the two handball teams, team results from previous meetings for both home and away games, comparison of team stats and results in their individual leagues, or top scorers and disciplinary actions for players in each team. View below the full statistics and data for the Holstebro vs Ringsted Head-to-Head comparison.

Holstebro vs Ringsted H2H Results

⚽ Matches
Tables Holstebro Ringsted
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 5 2 3 5 3 2
Won 4 2 2 1 1 0
Lost 1 0 1 4 2 2
Average Goals For 33.4 34.5 32.67 30.8 30 32
Average Goals Against 30.8 32 30 33.4 32.67 34.5

Form Statistics

Holstebro Ringsted
07/12 Herre Handbold .. Fredericia A
31 - 24
30/11 Herre Handbold .. Ringsted A
30 - 38
24/11 Herre Handbold .. Ribe-Esbjerg H
39 - 30
19/11 Herre Handbold .. Nordsjaelland A
32 - 30
31/10 Herre Handbold .. Sonderjyske H
28 - 32
23/10 Herre Handbold .. Kolding A
31 - 34
19/10 Herre Handbold .. Aalborg H
33 - 36
12/10 Herre Handbold .. Skjern A
25 - 29
24/11 Herre Handbold .. Ribe-Esbjerg
39 - 30
31/10 Herre Handbold .. Sonderjyske
28 - 32
19/10 Herre Handbold .. Aalborg
33 - 36
02/10 Herre Handbold .. Skanderborg Agf
35 - 31
19/09 Herre Handbold .. Bjerringbro/S..
31 - 33
06/09 Herre Handbold .. Fredericia
29 - 28
29/08 Santander Cup Skanderborg Agf
32 - 28
14/04 Herre Handbold .. Kolding
35 - 31
07/12 Herre Handbold .. Fredericia
31 - 24
30/11 Herre Handbold .. Ringsted
30 - 38
19/11 Herre Handbold .. Nordsjaelland
32 - 30
23/10 Herre Handbold .. Kolding
31 - 34
12/10 Herre Handbold .. Skjern
25 - 29
06/10 Herre Handbold .. Grindsted
27 - 30
27/09 Herre Handbold .. Gog
31 - 30
12/09 Herre Handbold .. Mors
34 - 34
07/12 Herre Handbold .. Skjern H
36 - 29
30/11 Herre Handbold .. Holstebro H
30 - 38
20/11 Herre Handbold .. Skanderborg Agf A
35 - 31
17/11 Herre Handbold .. Gog H
38 - 33
03/11 Herre Handbold .. Bjerringbro/S.. A
28 - 28
26/10 Herre Handbold .. Mors H
35 - 29
20/10 Herre Handbold .. Fredericia A
34 - 28
12/10 Herre Handbold .. Grindsted H
33 - 26
07/12 Herre Handbold .. Skjern
36 - 29
30/11 Herre Handbold .. Holstebro
30 - 38
17/11 Herre Handbold .. Gog
38 - 33
26/10 Herre Handbold .. Mors
35 - 29
12/10 Herre Handbold .. Grindsted
33 - 26
05/10 Herre Handbold .. Ribe-Esbjerg
30 - 29
24/09 Herre Handbold .. Sonderjyske
33 - 32
14/09 Herre Handbold .. Aalborg
29 - 41
20/11 Herre Handbold .. Skanderborg Agf
35 - 31
03/11 Herre Handbold .. Bjerringbro/S..
28 - 28
20/10 Herre Handbold .. Fredericia
34 - 28
02/10 Herre Handbold .. Nordsjaelland
34 - 32
19/09 Herre Handbold .. Kolding
31 - 31
09/09 Herre Handbold .. Skjern
38 - 27
05/05 Herre Handbold .. Skjern
38 - 24
09/04 Herre Handbold .. Gog
34 - 31
Tables Holstebro Ringsted
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 8 3 5 8 5 3
Won 4 1 3 5 4 1
Lost 4 2 2 3 1 2
Average Goals For 31.88 33.33 31 32.38 34.4 29
Average Goals Against 30.88 32.67 29.8 31.5 31 32.33
Form Statistics are displayed and calculated based on the last 8 games played by each team.

Team Statistics

Holstebro Ringsted
Herre Handbold Ligaen, Denmark Total Home Away
Rank 10
Matches Played 14 6 8
Won 7 3 4
Draw 0 0 0
Lost 7 3 4
Goals For 444 195 249
Goals Against 431 190 241
Points 14 6 8
Herre Handbold Ligaen, Denmark Total Home Away
Rank 8
Matches Played 14 8 6
Won 6 6 0
Draw 0 0 0
Lost 8 2 6
Goals For 441 264 177
Goals Against 457 257 200
Points 12 12 0